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    Help please, we have got a website and we have got a section where people can sign up for a newsletter. All that is fine but the boss wanted to put a computer downstairs on our shop floor so people can signup from there. This is where the problem begins.

    if you type your email address in and click subscribe it take you to a page saying thankyou for signing up etc etc. but then it stays on that page and you have to click back to get to the sign up page.

    What we want is for people to type there emails in then click subscribe and for the next page to come up for afew seconds then go back to signup page.

    We are using 1&1 hosting and i have spoke to them but the page it takes you to cannot be edited so i cant put a redirect in it!

    Anyone got any ideas?

    If you are unable to edit then may be best to install your own formmail script (search the internet there are thousands of freebies) which will then.... depending on the script you install.... allow you to do more funky things with the confirmation page

    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


      Thanks i will try this. Anyone else got any ideas?


        This appears to be a oneandone prepackaged script. Have a look at their help pages and see if you can add a link to the thank you page.
        Norman -
        Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey

