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script for popup question on exit

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    script for popup question on exit

    could i have a java script placed that would produce a popup on exit from any page in the site, when i user leaves for any url not begining with
    if it could be placed once somewhere and work no matter what page user exits would be better, and would like to collect info from a simple choice of 2 radio buttons within the popup which would also close the popup on click(for minimum anoyance)
    Gary Simpson
    Replacement blades, drills and cutters for your power tools.....

    I don't know how to do this Gary, but if I was a visitor I would find this very frustrating and wouldn't complete any 'survey' (if that's your intention) - I think most people dislike unsolicited pop-ups.

    I presume you would like to know why they left and perhaps if they would come back - if so then why not turn the issue around and see what people are doing whilst on your site instead. If they've left it's too late, finding out what they did whilst they were there I think is more useful.

    I see you're not using Google Analytics. Why not look into that, you can then trend exit and entry points as well as site navigation etc. and tons of other useful info including order dropouts etc. Well worth doing in my opinion.

    BTW - your site's looking really good now.


      Hi Duncan

      right on the money, it was a quick 1 click good or bad experience poll i was after, analytics is something i had a breif look at but am waiting for my invitation to join, dont know if your aware but google wreakon its overwhelmed now and promise an invatation soon, about 6 weeks wait so far.
      will certanly take it up though, any help is a bonus especialy for free..!
      Gary Simpson
      Replacement blades, drills and cutters for your power tools.....

