Having built up a brand in the UK as a major distributor the producer sold the company to a massive global brand company. The UK distribution changed hands accordingly and we were left high-and-dry.
I received a call from the original importer demanding we removed these products from the site as they were top of the search engine listings. The key part being "demanding". As a relatively small company (especially compared to the new owners of the product) it annoyed the hell out of me that they tried to steam-roll tactics like that and expect us to play ball.
I took the "mature" route and kept the pages almost intact but commenting that we would no longer stock these items due to concerns with quality, high prices and other items being better value for money etc etc etc with links to alternatives.
I received an email from the manufacturer in Australia wanting to know what issues we had with their products. I waffled on about something and that-was-that.
I have now apparently missed a call from the global brand manager in the USA wanting to speak to me about my comments!!!
Just wondered if anyone else had stories of "bullying" from suppliers and any victories made against the big guys?
I received a call from the original importer demanding we removed these products from the site as they were top of the search engine listings. The key part being "demanding". As a relatively small company (especially compared to the new owners of the product) it annoyed the hell out of me that they tried to steam-roll tactics like that and expect us to play ball.
I took the "mature" route and kept the pages almost intact but commenting that we would no longer stock these items due to concerns with quality, high prices and other items being better value for money etc etc etc with links to alternatives.
I received an email from the manufacturer in Australia wanting to know what issues we had with their products. I waffled on about something and that-was-that.
I have now apparently missed a call from the global brand manager in the USA wanting to speak to me about my comments!!!
Just wondered if anyone else had stories of "bullying" from suppliers and any victories made against the big guys?