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Virtual Business Address

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    Virtual Business Address

    Hi Guy's
    Has anyone got any recommendations for a virtual business address?
    i work from home and want to set up anouther company but want a professional sounding address (not my home) which can then forward mail on to my home this i think will probably be a temporary thing until i move into commercial premises (but could be longer) so of course don't want to spend to much
    Also between the three 0870, 0845, and 0800 numbers is it worth paying the additional for a 0800 number and do you feel call traffic would increase significantly with one, over a 0870 number ?

    It depends IMO of your customers profile. Some will respond to a specific freebee or lo-call phone number others will refuse to call 0870 but then it's down to their need to call you.

    British Monomarks are perhaps the oldest mailbox business but Yellow Pages should have accommodation address businesses nearer your location.

    Ph: 0845 838 1 839
    Skype: GiftsLine


      people prefer to see a proper address rather than a po box address, but there is no reason why your virtual address couldn't be a proper sounding street address.

      Personally I would go with the 0845 number.

      0800 can attract alot of time wasters who phone simply because it is free, 0870 has got expensive call rate written all over it (you will get a kick back from 0870 number).

      as Duncan says it depends o nthe need to call, if its a sales time I wouldn't go for 0870, but if its support you can get away with it



        Why not make your own address match the new company and make life easy

        i.e new company "Alexandra Stationary Ltd"

        Add "Alexandra House" to the addresss

        Alexandra Stationary Ltd
        Alexandra House
        32 High street
        Little Snoreing

        Agree use 0845
        Chris Ashdown


          Yes that's what i have already done for my existing company Alexanders
          based at my existing address of Alexander House , but with the new company i wanted to have NO connection with my address here so i am guessing that a virtual address would be my only other option


            We used an 0800 number a few years back and a lot of the calls were from advertisers using a free call to get you to advertise - costs them nowt so they can prospect for free

            SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes



              i have used in the past a virtual address and my advice would be not to go with one.

              the phone number use a 0845

              the costs you pay for the virtual office are a waste of money.

              i had several letters gone missing. i also had my bank sending my new cards over there which went missing in he post.

              the company i went wih supposedly had won awards for being a good business or something like that.

              the only thing i have had from them is trouble. also i have made so many calls to them that i never got a responce back which is totally unprofessional.

              at the end i had to terminate my account. but guess what, even though i send them letter,e-mail,fax saying that i want to terminate and receive my deposit back to date (three-four months after) i have not received any calls and i still receive notifications from them that my account will be charged with x amount or the provision of services

