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Strange Paypal payment

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    Strange Paypal payment

    We received a £0.01 payment last night. No order just a payment - presumably made directly from within Paypal. It appears to have been made by another Actinic site owner - although perhaps coincidence. The payer email address is 'sales at modifydirect dot co dot uk'.

    I went to paypal (not from the received link in case it was bogus) and it does confirm the payment was made.

    Is this spam to make me look at their site perhaps?
    Anyone else seen this before?

    Nope, and we use Paypal daily.
    Football Heaven

    For all kinds of football souvenirs and memorabilia.


      Yes I have seen this. Paypal will probably email you soon and ask you to confirm the reference number used against this payment as a part of the verification process for your account. I had to do this recently, even though I have been verified for a couple of years.

      On saying this, I don't recall the email address....I will check my records


        I can answer your query!

        Hi, I am responsible for this misdemeanor. We were testing the Paypal system as we are quite new to it, and we went through the process of sending a dummy payment. We didn't mean to actually send it! So no, it's not a scam, just a newbie. I apologise for any inconvenience caused.

        Tony Whitaker
        Modify Direct


          No problem Tony. (You are of course very welcome to send larger amounts )


            Surprised PayPal allows such a small amount to be processed - they won't be getting much richer from that transaction!

            SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes

