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Computers running SLOOOOOOOW

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    Computers running SLOOOOOOOW

    Had a problem with my online computer running very slow over last few months, after considering all the major things like upgrade cpu, memory disk etc, I thought i would search the net for a solution

    Found "PC First Aid 3.5" costs £20.00 for one month but well worth the money, computer back to its old self and whilst not the fastest computer in the world it still gives me £400 to spend on me and not a upgrade

    One hour on the computer and it runs about 10 times faster than earlier today

    I had tried "Registery Mechanic" software last week but in all honesty it found a lot of problems but did not achieve anything noticable after correcting all that it found so not a buy i would reccommend
    Chris Ashdown

    Now all we need is something to make Actinic run quicker than a dead snail


      It did improve actinic speed quite a lot, I think it mostley removes junk from the hard drive to make the bigger improvements
      Chris Ashdown


        actinic is memory hungry. it will speed up dramatically, if you pop more ram in there.

        you can run it on quite a low spec, if your ram is plenty and your hardrive is fast.

        i have 2gb ram, and a 10,000 rpm drive. the cpu is 800mhz, and actinic is twice as fast as on a 3.3ghz machine i tested it on with 256mb.

        additionally, run this:

        and this:

        and this:

        and if you're willing to simply do a fresh install to get your performance, and dont want to upgrade, my machine used this to get a boost.

        have fun, and always read the instructions. these apps can be dangerous if used incorrectly.



          I have 1.5Gb DDR400, SATA HDD, Athlon 64-3000 CPU. Actinic runs like greased lightning until I add some products (around 6500) then it's like wading through treacle. Must be a database thing.


            yes, microsoft database access is slow, with a large index. there are some hardcore tweaks of the odbc you can do, that are out of the scope of this forum really. suffice to say, with that many products, i'd consider splitting your catalog.


              Originally posted by gabrielcrowe
              i'd consider splitting your catalog.
              How do we go about doing that?


                well, its a case of buying another domain, setting up a new site, getting yourself actinic set up and putting only a cross section of your products on the new site. make links back and forth and before you know it, you'll ahve an empire.



                  I've actually considered that before as our site is quite unwieldy as it is, but the extra cost of a second Actinic licence, and starting from scratch with Google et al is a little off-putting


                    links from your site will sort all that out in time.

                    i mean, sure you might ahve to buy a developer type license, but its not that bad as far as seo goes, i'm sure that in all the sections you had the items in, you'd provide people with a nice link to your new site?

