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Expired Domain Name

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    Expired Domain Name

    I'm involved with a local organisation which has a website that I've looked after for the last 2 years. Someone informed me yesterday the site was not available (it's a season site - a local festival) so don't look at it much around this time of year.

    Having checked it appears the domain was due for renewal last October and wasn't renewed (long story but I never got any renewal requests, the email address that they went to belong to someone who is no longer involved in group and now lives abroad) Went to look at renewing domain and was told that someone else had bought it.

    The site redirects to a site and it you click on the Interested in this domain it says they will forward a bid - minimum $90 to see if person who now holds domain name is intereseted in selling it.

    Question - I pressume this is legal and that there is no other option but to pay if want domain back?

    Would change domain name - there are others more suitable out there which could use - but we have merchandise with that domain printed on it!

    Kathy Newman

    Originally posted by kathynewman
    Question - I pressume this is legal and that there is no other option but to pay if want domain back?
    Perfectly legal - possession is 10/10ths unless its a or the registered trade name of a company (which is a grey area but comes down to the size of the legal teams involved).



      As Alan says its a good little money maker - there is not much you can do about it


        I wanted the .com tld version of a domain name held recently and found that it had been nabbed by a holding (hoarding?!) company and was for sale at $1200.

        It might be legal but certainly not ethical.


          I presume that there are people watching for domains names that fall out-of-use and then snap them up and wait for the original owner to need it back again. More profitable than registering random domain names.



            hi, as domain names are so important, is it possible to purchase one for say ten years or more. Two years is commonplace.
            Treasure Island Sweets


              is it possible to purchase one for say ten years or more
              Yes and it will help with you google rankings!!!!

