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    I need some blades for my DeWalt planer, when i select the DeWalt page, i am greeted with a picture of a Bosch planer, get that sorted so we see something familiar to the tool for which we are buying for.

    The same page has 8 occurrences of the word "Replacement", the first is spelt correctly, the following 7 are spelt incorrectly.


      Id do an export to excel of the catalogue and then do a global replacement (CTRL-H) to replace the word "replacment" with "replacement", that will sort out half your errors out and save some time. Just reimport after you have made the changes.

      Snapshot before you do anything.


        This might be a personal thing, but i detest the "terms and conds" label, either write it out in full or just have it as "terms" or "conditions" or "information".

        Whoever made the decision at actinic to have that label got it very wrong IMO, it looks awful.


          Originally posted by leehack
          i detest the "terms and conds" label,
          Aye - really poor - a simple "terms" is more than adequate

          SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


            Glad i am not alone, i was beginning to think it was just me. Looks like its been changed on the site too, so thats 3 lol.


              If you have a fax number, then fill it in within business settings. If you don't then remove the [fax] label on the about us page.


                The logo collage on the home page looks a bit messy too, separate them out a little. Wrap them in a div and give the div an id of "logoCollage" or alike.

                Then in your CSS add this:

                #logoCollage img {
                margin: 2px;


                  Lee - are you after the most single user posts in a thread award! George will most likely deduct Goat Points

                  SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


                    keep it coming guys

                    ive taken every thing on board, cant promise there will be no more typos, spelling not my best strenth.

                    on the fax number now it in t+c you spotted that cheers..

                    dont quite no what you mean about the logo, are you simply saying it could do with a little more white space around it, that wont be a problem.

                    as you see ive jumped on the band wagon (new avitar + location)
                    Simbo thanks you in advance again

                    Location: Jersey Channel Islands


                      Originally posted by jont
                      Lee - are you after the most single user posts in a thread award! George will most likely deduct Goat Points
                      I write one and then see something else so just do another, sorry Jont lol.


                        Originally posted by simbo
                        ive taken every thing on board, cant promise there will be no more typos, spelling not my best strenth.

                        on the fax number now it in t+c you spotted that cheers..

                        dont quite no what you mean about the logo, are you simply saying it could do with a little more white space around it, that wont be a problem.

                        as you see ive jumped on the band wagon (new avitar + location)
                        Not the logo at the top, the collage of manufacturers logos at the bottom. They look a mess, whereas the rest of the site, looks clean, modern and well maintained etc.

                        Fax number not showing on the about us page, just a blank label?

