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Supplier Stupidity

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    Supplier Stupidity

    Following on from the thread about stupid criminals .....

    Just received a call from the French Embassy in London regarding the non payment of invoice for goods as supplied by a French company. Looking at the paperwork someone has forged our details onto an order form, used a mobile phone as the only contact with delivery to an address 200 miles away.

    Apart from the basic address and company detail typos in the form the order was placed by fax, having never had any telephone contact with the supplier and never having prior dealings between the 2 companies.

    The supplier has shipped the goods to the 3rd party address without making contact and incredibly without asking for payment or any deposit (this is the first order with them). Total is in excess of 15,000 Euros.

    Who in their right mind sends goods to that value without any payment, contact or history check? Naturally the police are now involved.

    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes

    Zut alors! Qu'est-ce que fait?

    You see its handy having a brother with a mobile phone who lives miles away.


      Who in their right mind sends goods to that value without any payment, contact or history check? Naturally the police are now involved
      Theres lots of them about - I heard of a company last week who gave £50,000 of goods to a new customer who promptly vanished.


        We can all vouch that John spends all his time posting here. Six mille bientôt!
        Norman -
        Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


          Tu as beaucoup aussi!


            surely this should be in the french discussion area.
            (I would have said this in fluent french, but then some wouldn't be able to understand )


              Was the letter from the French Embassy, nice and helpfull just helping their french company out

              I cannot see the UK embassy's doing much for small uk firms tradeing in france or elsewhere
              Chris Ashdown


                Originally posted by chris ashdown
                Was the letter from the French Embassy, nice and helpfull just helping their french company out
                It was a phone call but even so it was very impressive they would take the issue up for non-payment of an invoice .. whilst a substantial amount is not huge in the grand scheme of things .. the British Embassy would simply put the complaint to the bottom of a filling cabinet and continue with afternoon tea and scones.

                We have heard from the police the same people (not my brother despite Lee's Hercule Poirot-like deductions) have tried the same scam with another French supplier using our name but also using a string of other UK companies in a similar field.. so not an irate customer getting revenge on us

                SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes



                  Mind you , you do look a bit shifty in that picture.

                  Most of us are still not convinced about the long life of the g**t after all, who has seen it after christmas apart from you?
                  Chris Ashdown


                    Goat a la Croissant ... mmmmmmm

                    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


                      Washed down with 3,000 bottles of something nice....
                      Norman -
                      Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


                        Jont, tu as plus de six mille, je crois que tu n'as pas un vie!


                          Originally posted by leehack
                          Jont, tu as plus de six mille, je crois que tu n'as pas un vie!
                          I have enough copying and pasting the French telephone conversations in to Google Language without you adding to my workload Lee

                          SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


                            LOL, ive just used those screen calipers for the first time -they rock!


                              Cette communauté est ma vie - l'espoir Google traduisent des convertis ceci correctement car je ne veux pas déranger n'importe qui.

                              SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes

