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Go Away you snotty beggar!

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    George do not worry, providing you were not involved in the transaction to the extent that you new they would go bust you will not have to worry.

    As Johnathan said it's the credit card issuers problem. This is the only time the banks cant claim the money back, they agreed to issue the business with a credit card and as such are responsible if the debt is not paid. Same as if someone ran off without paying the debt they cant come back to you.


    I had exactly the same problem with something I sent to London and sympathise totally
    Still waiting to here and to be honest i really can not care, it annoyed me then worried me that someone would try and cheat me this way because of there own laziness and now i think sod it i am not going to run around and let then take the P*** out of me.

    When I started my first company i tried to pacify every customer and bent over backwards thinking that they would pass on the good work even if it cost me, no doubts about missing items or goods not delivered etc.. I went bust and just managed to get out with the house
    I think Chris's comment help me make a decision that i would normally not do.

    I have had a young lady be very patient, she brought a kite for her brother and had a few problems with it, they actually lost a piece of shock coord that holds the lower spreaders in place, but i did not argue and ordered her a new set, for the cost of a couple of quid. I take it everything is OK as i have not heard from her since.

    Anyway it's friday, off to the pub then out for a curry tonight, got work in the morning - that will be good



      The customer may always be right, except when they are wrong, but we are entitled to be treated just as courteously as they are.

      What is more however much they spent they only bought a product and not the whole business.

      It annoys the hell out of me when people are rude or aggressive towards us and yes we do sometimes react. We will always support our staff in this respect.

      It annoys me even more when people try to take the p**s out of us. They often find that we can be stubborn.


        PNAgames solution is the one I tend to adopt, you vent your frustrations and write a very snotty response, and don't send it.

        you then take a breath, and an hours break, and write a very polite but firm no nonsense reply


          Originally posted by pinbrook
          write a very snotty response, and don't send it.
          How big is the folder with the non-sent letter? Or do you have a ceremonial burning once a year

          SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


            Probably quite big at the moment

            Jo go's up to the mores and performs and acient sacrafic but uses them instead of goats.



              Originally posted by Darren B
              ancient sacrifice but uses them instead of goats.
              See... I have no need to confirm or deny rumours about the wellbeing of the goat ........ unless .......they are being used as the goat is not available for the sacrifice

              SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


                next you be asking for a soliciter to be present?????


                  Originally posted by Darren B
                  next you be asking for a soliciter to be present?????
                  Can goats spell any better than Darren?


                    Lee i see no point in spelling the names of money grabbing vermin correctly


                      Originally posted by fleetwood
                      We no longer deal with America.
                      I know sweeping generalisations are wrong, but I'd estimate that over half of ALL orders we received from there (when we were accepting them) caused trouble - totally unreasonable requests or complaints, threats, obscenities and selfish actions (placing special requests, then changing or cancelling).
                      We have a lot of customers in America and no way would we consider not sending stuff there. As you know Martin we've discussed this in the past. However, check this recent email from a customer.

                      " I would like to APOLOGIZE for the return of the (66) football scarves! I ended up in the hospital for 2.5 weeks. During that time the scarves arrived. I had two friends checking my mail while I was in the hospital. Unfortunately, they both dropped the ball by not going to the local post office to pick up the package that you had shipped. I went to pick it up on Tuesday(March 6th.) only to find out it had been sent back to you after sitting in the post office for 20 days. Again, I am very sorry about this!! I would like to have those same scarves sent back to me as soon as you are able. I certainly WILL pay to have the scarves reshipped and what ever other charges there may be. I authorize you to charge that cost to the same credit card I used for the original costs. If I need to refill out an order/charge form, please let me know. I really do want those scarves and I promise you that the same mix up will NOT occur again!!"

                      And the shipping cost that he's keen to pay again? £120 via RM International Datapost.
                      Football Heaven

                      For all kinds of football souvenirs and memorabilia.



                        I think it has to do with the product range/customer base.

                        Comics - typically easily available in America / buyer typically teen (in UK, buyers of same material tend to be older) / stock comes to us FROM America, so is always going to more expensive when we ship it back there

                        Football stuff - typically not available in America - less price competition - and I'm guessing that your customer base there (esp those ordering 60+ scarves), are not teen.

                        Yes, mine was a sweeping generalisation - but has been my experience, based on a large number of bad orders, not just one customer.

                        I'm glad to hear that you are finding US trade profitable.

