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MSN Search results in a "bad site"

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    MSN Search results in a "bad site"

    When you enter my site name "esafetysigns" in MSN and Yahoo, the first page results link to a site banned by my Spyware Software.

    Through curiosoty I clicked on the links

    and Yes, Spyware Doctor intervenes, warning me not to go to the re-direct site as it is tagged as a "bad site".

    The links are
    (note xxx = www, I have done this to stope the link becoming active)

    but there is a re-direct from these.
    Has someone done something nasty to my site ?

    Help, S?
    your instant download portal for self printable health and safety signs and posters
    ... download once use as many times as you like !

    I suspect that you are using Adwords - if you are and are allowing your ads on the Google Netwirk then this will result in people being allowed to display your add on thier website. If a spider comes visiting when you add is displayed then it will be included in the cached page and so available for search.

    What you are seeing is normal - if you dont want it to happen then change your adword settings.

    If your not using adwords then you will need to look at it again.


      I am not using adwords or adsense?

      However, my URL is used as my signature on many forums, and I noticed that my input into a forum resulted in a completely obscure blog having my thread in its content... so can see that there is some sharing of content going on.

      I think I might change the URL to something "wordy" as oppossed to the URL..... is there any pro's and con's of doing this ?

      Thanks, S.
      your instant download portal for self printable health and safety signs and posters
      ... download once use as many times as you like !


        MSN co uk worked fine for me - your url was top of the list.


          think I might change the URL to something "wordy" as oppossed to the URL..... is there any pro's and con's of doing this ?
          I would suggest that you get someone to look at this in depth and find out exactly what is going on - once you have the information you will be better placed to decide on a plan of action. Otherwise you are just guessing and that may have implications on your site and its traffic etc.

