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uploading 2nd website

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    uploading 2nd website


    I've read a number of threads and some info on the knowledgebase but I'd be grateful if someone can clarify what I think I need to do to upload a second site to my webspace.

    We host our current site1 on 1&1 and have done so with little problems for c12m. We recently purchased v8 multi and are ready to upload our second site.

    Currently in 1&1 I have a ./ directory which has all my acatalog cgi codebase etc folders off it. I read up on the 1&1 site and following the instructions redirected the domain name of the 2nd site to a new folder. This merely created a folder under the ./ directory where all the other folders mentioned above are also housed.

    Having read threads etc on here it seems the basic advice is give site 2 a new id i.e. 2 for site 2 and upload. If so do I create a new cgi bin and acatalog folder under the new site2 folder? and if yes what do I put in my network settings? Would it be etc

    If this is the case does google understand that this piece of webspace is for site2 with the address or will it think it is somehow part of site1?

    Having read some other threads I assumed (and we know what asumption = ...) that I would get two top level directories ./ for site one and /site2 for site two. That I'd create an acatalog and cgi etc under site2 set my network set up to be etc and upload. But this doesn't seem to be the case. I am worried that if I do the wrong thing I will bring down our site1 and cause problems as this is our main revenue driver.

    We are also indexing nicely on site1 since switching to v8 and so I want to limit the confusion to google so that we do not have to wait to be indexed by them again.

    This is I am sure a little (!) garbled but if anyone can give me any hints or direct me to a source that will be able to help me that would be great.

    Thanks in advance


    Chief bunting supplier to Take That!


    With 1 & 1, you have a destination button above the domain names in Control Panel.

    Select the checkbox to the left of your new domain, click the destination button, and choose existing folder, browse to the new folder you created. You will then have a three hour wait while the changes are propagated. After that, typing the 2nd domain name into a browser will take you to the content of the specified folder.

    I always create an acatalog folder and a cgi-bin folder inside that site folder, and set the permissions, before I start uploading with Actinic.

    Google, customers et al, will have no idea what the folder setup is. All they will know is that returns *this* content. [OK, before the purists jump in, G etc CAN tell both sites are hosted in the same data centre and may be able to tell they are on the same physical machne - but why should they care?].

    In Actinic, the catalog URL, cgi-bin URL email domain etc will all use the 2nd domain - as if the first one never even existed.

    [edit]EXCEPT - the PathtoCgiBin will be /domainfoldername/cgi-bin/ [end edit]

    Text directoryWorldwide Actinic(TM) shops
    BC Ness Solutions Support services, custom software
    Registered Microsoft™ Partner (ISV)
    VoIP UK: 0131 208 0605
    Located: Alexandria, EGYPT


      Thanks Bill!

      Thanks so much Bill. Took a little playing with the cgi-bin details etc but the site is at least live so we can test it etc.

      Got to work out how I get the SSL working now (expect I have to buy a new one for this site) but at least I can see that the site is there and that there is no effect on our current site so really appreciate your time.

      Chief bunting supplier to Take That!


        Took a little playing with the cgi-bin details
        Ah, yes. It would have helped if I had originally shown that setting - I'll change the post above to show that for future readers.

        Text directoryWorldwide Actinic(TM) shops
        BC Ness Solutions Support services, custom software
        Registered Microsoft™ Partner (ISV)
        VoIP UK: 0131 208 0605
        Located: Alexandria, EGYPT

