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    Yes, congrats Fergus.

    Hmmm, we're gathering mass here - maybe we need our own 'Actinic Fathers To Be' forum


      Originally posted by leehack
      Congrats Fergus, when is yours due?
      Thanks Lee, Martin

      Due date is end of September - so a bit of time to go yet although the last few months have flown by. 8 1/2 months seemed a long time when we first found out - next thing I know its almost April!

      Getting excited already........
      Fergus Weir - teclan ltd
      Ecommerce Digital Marketing

      SellerDeck Responsive Web Design

      SellerDeck Hosting
      SellerDeck Digital Marketing


        Due date is end of September - so a bit of time to go yet although the last few months have flown by. 8 1/2 months seemed a long time when we first found out - next thing I know its almost April!
        Hahahahahahhahahahahahahaha <- manic laughter with only 8 weeks to go.

        Mrs F has a habit of reminding me of the countdown, approximately every hour - "we've only 8 weeks 1 day 2 hours 20 seconds to go....and YOU haven't done this this this this and this yet!!! Stop playing with your Actinic and pull your finger out!"

        How did George manage three???


          Originally posted by fleetwood
          How did George manage three???
          He is really a uber-guru with Actinic ... what you see on here is merely an act .. he can re-code a layout, change a nappy and still export Man Utd shirts to Chile all at the same time.

          SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


            Originally posted by fleetwood
            and YOU haven't done this this this this and this yet!!! Stop playing with your Actinic and pull your finger out!
            "Do the midwives teach this when the male partners aren't looking?" he said, further hijacking the post!

            "I swear its the same sentence, word for word, that I hear!" he said, looking over his shoulder, hopefully, for the absence of his partner.

            Fergus Weir - teclan ltd
            Ecommerce Digital Marketing

            SellerDeck Responsive Web Design

            SellerDeck Hosting
            SellerDeck Digital Marketing


              Originally posted by fleetwood
              Hmmm, we're gathering mass here - maybe we need our own 'Actinic Fathers To Be' forum
              Wonder if the upsurge in new arrivals has anything to do with the release of v8

              Great news Fergus - best wishes to Mrs Fergus also.

              SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


                Originally posted by fergusw
                "Do the midwives teach this when the male partners aren't looking?" he said, further hijacking the post!
                Wait til you go and see the water birth video! I haven't recovered yet.


                  Wonder if the upsurge in new arrivals has anything to do with the release of v8
                  it takes lots of practice until you get it right...

                  yes, I can see the similarities

                  lets not mention Beta testing, ay

                  I think this qualifies under the "I hate people who hijack a thread" moan, but old habits die hard!


                    Originally posted by fleetwood
                    I think this qualifies under the "I hate people who hijack a thread" moan, but old habits die hard!
                    I think the rules said we are allowed to go off on a tangent once the original post issues have been answered. Given the advice this dude has got for free and his obvious appreciation, i don't think he would care if we spoke about goats flying to the moon quite frankly.


                      Originally posted by fleetwood
                      lets not mention Beta testing, ay
                      Oh hey - stop it now - please.

                      SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


                        I think the rules said we are allowed to go off on a tangent once the original post issues have been answered.
                        rules - schmules

                        you really think Chris D is brave enough to go up against the partners of three hormonal wives?


                          Fools follow rules.

                          Intelligent people interpret them.


                            Goats flying to to moon is fine by me.

                            I think I saw a few of those last night after my wife's 40th party. The flashbacks of people doing the conga outside our house and 30 people loudly singing Layla at 2.30 this morning also haunt me - and probably my neighbours.

                            Still, at least we're well past the newborn stage - hehe!!
                            Practical parenting products for babies and toddlers covering safety, development, sun protection, clothing, health, bedroom, nursery, travel, etc.


                              Originally posted by Tickle
                              Goats flying to to moon is fine by me.

                              I think I saw a few of those last night...
                              Rumour has it that was a member of the forum in disguise

