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Actinic Version 7 - release date???

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    Actinic Version 7 - release date???

    I presume like all computer software, actinic is constantly being updated and new functionality added.

    I remember when i bought Catalog v6 last Nov/Dec that is was hot off the press. Since then i have been very impressed with it and have (like many users) downloaded the various patches etc from the web site.

    Not having experienced version 4, 5 etc of the product i do not know what the typical product shelf life is and when newer versions are generally released - in time for the Christmas market i expect.

    Anyway, my questions are:

    1) Is there an imminent release of the new Actinin version7 (Catalog/Business/Developer)?

    2) What is the approximate date for the new release (month)??

    3) If i upgrade from Catalogv6 to Business or Developer, will i then need to buy the new v7 software in a few months time?

    4) Should i wait until the new version release or buy now?

    5) If i buy Developer v6 and attend the training course - will it cover any of v7 functionality?

    6) Is there any product guarantee/future-proof element that ensures i get the latest version for the next 12/24 months?

    7) Is there a DRAFT list of new attributes and functions for the new product or are they still just a list on a whiteboard somewhere in the development office?

    I look forward to a response to the above from the Actininc (Development) Team.


    We have been told that v7 will not be available until q1 2004

    hope this helps in your decision making processes...


      Basically as soon as you buy anything in the computer/software market it goes straight out of date.......

      You buy a 40gb hard disk one day for £100, and a short while later the standard is 80gb for £80. Its the nature of the market

      So no there is no benefit in waiting. Buy V6 , buy cover and you will get V7 for free, keep buying cover and you will get all upgrades and new versions included.

      The biggest learning curve is when you first get the product, so if you get proficient in V6 converting to V7 will be a doddle.

