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Safe working conditions

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    Safe working conditions

    Having spent 2006 roasting alive in the offices we have recently installed air conditioning. Part of the unit has just dropped through the suspended ceiling causing:

    * water to spill everywhere
    * 2 live wires dangling in free space
    * compressed ceiling tile exploded far and wide
    * motor hanging just above head height on twin and earth cable
    * all trousers to be filled with unpleasantness due to the loud crash

    We have turned off the air conditioning and isolated the electrical supply.

    The engineers are 4 hours away and we have had to open the windows to get some air. Does this constitute a breach in working conditions and can I have the rest of the afternoon off?

    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes

    can I have the rest of the afternoon off?
    Certainly...and take tomorrow morning off, too

    Ladies Swimwear


      and demand compensation for stress caused by the event


        What is air conditioning?

        *kicks over waste bin as he cannot find the site where he normally downloads his pre-season planner thing for football coaches* (many available online but not the one that I want)
        Football Heaven

        For all kinds of football souvenirs and memorabilia.


          Originally posted by george
          What is air conditioning?
          Cockney shampoo

          SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


            do you go through a lot of bins, G?
            you must have an endless supply of replacements with all the damage you must cause kicking them over

            Ever considered anger management?


              Originally posted by george
              pre-season planner thing for football coaches
              Meet me at the services M1 J29 with a brown envelope and I will see you right

              SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


                Originally posted by jont
                Meet me at the services M1 J29 with a brown envelope and I will see you right
                Thats an ambition actually, to be paid for working in football. As a part-time coach or something even. Not sure if a brown envelope containing a printed copy of the `v8 for FootballHeads` manual would count Jonty.

                *kicks over waste bin, cleverly swerving it out through the open doors, finally landing on the blonde bird from next doors head... oops!*
                Football Heaven

                For all kinds of football souvenirs and memorabilia.


                  Originally posted by george
                  finally landing on the blonde bird from next doors head... oops!
                  Good job you are a trained in first aid hey George

                  SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


                    wow G...impressive

                    *bites her tongue in reference to the "first aid" comment*



                      Originally posted by jont
                      Cockney shampoo
                      Good one

                      Need some ceiling tiles, i can help got a few hundred in stock - trade yer


                        this air conditioning thingy thats just gone belly up big time, check on the packaging, its probably got the "airtinic V8 version " label on somewhere, contact the makers, see if theres any free support going !

                        I also note, youve already raised the issue on the forum to see if there are any other known issues with the aircon units (tommorow morning may bring results - dont give up yet).

                        can you ascertain if this massive problem is in your version only, try stepping back to an earlier version, open a window (v7) and see if you get the same issues - if you don't then theres a safe bet its only this version thats an issue - thanks for warning the rest of us.

                        one last thing, do you have a snapshot, if you don't then the chances of anything coming out of this mess is greatly reduced.


                          Obviously you just didn't RTFM, and had you searched before posting you would have found many recent post describing exactly the same thing you were asking. It can't possibly be anything to do with the product, but the way you are using it.


                            he aint using it now ! - he's had to go back to earlier windows version


                              Originally posted by completerookie
                              he aint using it now ! - he's had to go back to earlier windows version

