I have discovered through one of complete waste of time surveys that i conducted and only consist of one question that there is definately a split in computer people.
Your are either a lego person or a meccano person, do not get confused, you can like both but you have a favorite.
Lego people tend to be more graphical and layout type design work Meccano people tend to be more programming / hardware type people.
DONT shoot me down, this is only a very small sample group and no large scale research has been done - are maybe a lotter grant so i can conduct it?
Where does K'nex fit in with this analogy - is it the modern day maccano (although maccano is still available)
My lad had tons of K'nex when he was younger and really excelled at building the big stuff - great for teaching design and now he wants to be designer or architect.
Much prefered wood when I was a kid - could not get on with all those fiddly little nuts and cr@py spanners with maccano.
Where does K'nex fit in with this analogy - is it the modern day maccano (although maccano is still available)
My lad had tons of K'nex when he was younger and really excelled at building the big stuff - great for teaching design and now he wants to be designer or architect.
Much prefered wood when I was a kid - could not get on with all those fiddly little nuts and cr@py spanners with maccano.
I had this Evel Knenel bike that was different from the normal one - it jet booster things on the side with little flints that sparked as it went down the hall carpet.
I must have been 6 or so when I was at a pals party and his uncle from the US was there I I just played with his Evel Knevel and the uncle said he'd send one over. I forgot about it and weeks later this massive box was delivered with my toy - superb. Played with it non stop until Evel' fingers fell off so he couldn't hold onto the handlebars, the flints ran down and refused to spark any more and my enthusiastic winding of the handle caused the mechanism to break.
Had an Action Man but he ended up amongst the 'bath toys' so his hips rusted and his legs fell off.