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Google Maps for Actinic

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    Google Maps for Actinic

    Green Jersey has developed Google Maps for Actinic, a utility which allows easy integration of the excellent Google Maps application within Actinic v8 sites. We're making it available free-of-charge to other designers and Actinic store owners.

    Google Maps for Actinic is available in a zip-file containing a deployment snapshot and an implementation guide, and it's intended for stores running Actinic v8. You can download it from our site here.

    Using the software you can implement a Google Map within a Contact Us or Brochure page then configure it from within Actinic itself. You can set key information such as longitude and latitude, the dimensions of the map, its border colour, thickness and style. All the important Google Maps controls such as initial zoom level, whether the map shows roads or satellite imagery, the type of zoom control, etc. can also be set from within Actinic.

    The image attached to this post shows how the user interface looks within Actinic and also how its parameters control the resulting Google Map.

    Feel free to use it, at no cost, in your own websites as long as you abide by the license terms (see the implementation guide for details). Please be aware that no technical support or warranty is offered, but if you need a little help drop us a line ( or by email through this forum) and we'll do our best to help.
    Attached Files
    Anthony Deeming

    Green Jersey Web Design Ltd

    Looks excellent. Thanks for you efforts and generosity with this.

    I have implemented Google maps as a hard coded fragment on one of my sites. The API key is registered with the main domain for the site. I say "main domain" because my client has 3 other domains mapped or forwarded to it. Needless to say, Google maps does not work when the site is accessed from these other domains.

    Will this overcome that problem?

    If so, it looks like the tool for me. Otherwise I'll end up registering all the domain names (if Google will allow that) and setting up some code to check for the URL in use and using the appropriate API key - if that's possible!!


    Elysium:Online - Official Accredited SellerDeck Partner
    SellerDeck Design, Build, Hosting & Promotion
    Based in rural Northants


      Hi Andy

      Thanks for your feedback.

      I think you will still have the same issue you’re already experiencing with your current setup. So you may still need to register a different key for each site. Then there’s the question of the code to detect the url etc.

      But before you do this it might be worth looking at the Google Maps forum to see if anyone else has had and overcome the same multiple key issue.

      Anthony Deeming

      Green Jersey Web Design Ltd


        Spot on. I didn't even know that forum existed..... should have done a search!!

        gives some code which I shall try.


        Elysium:Online - Official Accredited SellerDeck Partner
        SellerDeck Design, Build, Hosting & Promotion
        Based in rural Northants


          The Google map stopped displaying after upgrading from 8.51 to 8.52.
          Anybody else run accross this?


            google maps has changed and its alot easier to add to your site now. Just go to google maps and get the code to customise on google and add to your site.



              We put the google map onto the site by just using a fragment and putting the code in with the usual !!<< >>!! in the text box. Have upgraded a couple of times no problems. As originally recomended by Fergus I think.


              Offering a wide range of shade loving plants suitable for the woodland garden.


                Not working.
                When droping the code (with the !!< >!!), into a fragment text area, the map does not display.
                Tried same in the text area of a product's extended info text area, and it worked fine .
                I suspect the code editing done when I installed the Google Map add on from GeeenJersey. For some reason it is not compatable with ver 8.52.
                I tried backing out the Greenjersey add on one step at a time, but may have not been successful at getting everything.
                Tried doing a revert to factory settings of the fragments layout, but this did not help either.
                Any ideas anybody??



                  without a URL to see the problem you are not going to get much help



