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    Today has to be one of the crappiest days i have had for along time, i am seriously concidering shutting early and sodding off home. The problem being it means i need to send the staff home aswell. Well what staff i have today.

    So question - Do i shut early and if we do should i turn it into a reward type thing for those that actually turned in.


    It always pays to forget you are the gaffer from time to time, in management i always thought the key was doing things your staff didn't expect, rather than things they do expect. So yes, send em all home and put a smile on their faces.

    If you don't you are just one big miserable git who smells of wee and poo and has no friends.


      I agree. Sometimes you just have to say enough is enough and go do something else.

      Why not close early and have a game of football to work off some of the stress?


      First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



        Thanks Lee, well not for the wee and poo bit LOL

        I think i will use this as a reward, hey one customer gave us 3 boxes of doughnuts, come and help yourself we have managed to eight about 9 got about 27 to go. Ive never heard of these before "Krispy Kremes Original Doughnuts" but i tell you they are kin hansome



          Originally posted by olderscot
          I agree. Sometimes you just have to say enough is enough and go do something else.

          Why not close early and have a game of football to work off some of the stress?

          Mike we already play football, rounders, volly ball in the warehouse. Maybe not the official rules but we have adpated then to suit the enviroment



            but Darren..if you knock off early you leave me here...with these people


              Boy oh boy that takes me 15 years, i remember over the space of 6 months or so, creating a full size football from just elastic bands, 3 kicks later with 2 bruised feet it was back to the papier mache one. It was like kicking a golf ball.


                Originally posted by budgetbumps
                but Darren..if you knock off early you leave me here...with these people
                Button it Pauline...old bag.


                  Originally posted by budgetbumps
                  but Darren..if you knock off early you leave me here...with these people
                  and i never said anything about knocking one off

                  Hmmmm, decisions, decisions, thats it were going home. sorry miss bumps, your be all right they dont bite, well not hard anyway.

                  Hey i have just realised, you always finish before me anyway and probably will today if i know you



                    I will jump in on every one of your future posts and call you Victor if you don't now. In fact if you respond to this Vic, you have already made them work longer than you should have, miserable so and so.


                      I cant go yet, i sent the driver out to collect my insulation board and flooring for my conservatory, need to get something down as Mrs Darren is ermm cheesed off with concrete floor and dust. so getting my jobs sorted for the weekend



                        Originally posted by Darren B
                        cheesed off
                        what is it with you and cheese?



                          PVA the bloody thing, takes about 2 minutes and dries in 5 FFS, go play its the last day of sunshine!


                            Originally posted by budgetbumps
                            what is it with you and cheese?

                            I like cheese - alsorts of cheese, except the one that tastes like sick

                            PVA the bloody thing, takes about 2 minutes and dries in 5 FFS, go play its the last day of sunshine!
                            did think of doing something like that, but i needed it for the weekend, not today, pub night tonight - beer garden - sun - whey hey, right get the guys to finish off here for the day then F**k It were off


