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Insure And Go - Never Again

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    Insure And Go - Never Again


    having just had the unfortunate need to contact my travel insurance company i shall keep this brief but be warned.

    i took out an annual insurance for my family, not the basic package but the gold after being caught out the other year when my lad got chicken pox and found that excess for medical expenses actually means excess for ever different medical exspense - doctor, chemist e.t.c

    so i found insureandgo,read through everything and it all seemed great as i said picked the gold package no excess, promised assistance with a international medical team blah blah blah.

    from my experience they are the most incompetent bunch of people i have ever come across. To give you an idea, the only thing they have managed to arrange was flights home, i had to sort everything else out myself, but they could not even manage to do that properly, we were in lanzarote and they managed to book us flights from alicante (mainland spain) then they told us they had flights, via madrid, landing at heathrow journey time 11 hours, which part of my wife has had a major op and really cant be travelling for that length of time dont you understand, but she has a letter saying she can fly, yep means she aint going to drop dead or suffer a relapse of some sort, does not mean she is fully able bodied. but she has a letter to fly, if your worried about you luggage dont it will be transferred from one flight to the other for you, are you really trying to wind me up, do you actually understand the procedure, i guess not.

    gave us a direct number to ring so they could talk to the spanish doctor on his rounds, name and everything, the women said ring me wednesday and we can make sure everything is ok, we ring and get im sorry marisa is not in today and there is no one here free at the moment, can he hold on, oh yer this doctor has all the time in the world.

    flights home, have you got a letter to fly, nope doctor refused to write one, said you guys have to arrange that, oh well dont worry its not like she has a broken leg just dont tell them when you check in, obviously we got one because my wife needed a wheel chair, lets just say walking is limited at the moment.

    anyway, there is loads more i can tell you, but i shall be writing the letter first, and trying to get back the money i have spent, and no i never took the piss either, no 5 star hotels, no fancy restuarants.

    as they say you never know how good you insurance is until you need it. But felt i should let people know about my experience and you can decide

    Sorry needed to moan, but also warn, but im glad to be home, thats for sure

    All the best to yer Mrs Darren, speedy recovery and all that. And good luck with the insurance side of it.

    PS Threaten to sue them/watchdog etc.
    Football Heaven

    For all kinds of football souvenirs and memorabilia.


      Thanks G, will pass on the regards

      and am probably going to leave the insurance until tomorrow, just very tired and maybe not in the best of moods to argue today




        all the best to your missus.

        as for insurance, check all the clauses.

        did they have to provide flights from where you were at that time (sounds stupid but...)

        Insurance is a minefield at best. i never take out the insurance as to me is a waste (however we usually travel either to my country or to missus country so there is not much point)


          hi the only thing they did pay for was the flights home, after i found it and told them what ones to book.

          Not going to rush at the moment, as ringing them is probably not wise. But i have a pile of reciepts and i intend to try everything to get all my money back

          Cheers for the wishes


            Might be a worth a wee look at the Consumer Action Group website (check the forums) to see if Insure and Go have been problematic in the past.
            Football Heaven

            For all kinds of football souvenirs and memorabilia.


              Thanks G

              will take a look at that later, i guess something will probably come up, about travel insurance even if the insureandgo dont



                The Best to your Missus and make sure you spoil her rotten.
                Oh yes, of course, you do that already don't you

                I've travelled all over and been lucky enough never to need assistance, but I've come across those that have and boy do some get treated badly, and then up pops someone who's insurance couldn't be better.

                I'd threaten them with everything you can think of - you know what insurance companies are like - always reject their first offer. Difficult to do at the time of course, when it's a medical thing.

                Erm. I'm with Insureandgo. B*gger.
                Can anyone recommend a decent travel insurance policy?
                Kind Regards
                Sean Williams

                Calamander Ltd


                  Well i know this was a while ago but it is still going on

                  Insure and go have refused to pay for my water and food, they will pay for my room but not for me to eat or drink, i provided and extensive break down and reciepts.

                  Basically they will only pay for medical exspenes, which they had none because they stuck her in a state hospital so it all got claimed back using my wifes e111, and flights home. Oh and as a result my wife had to have another operation on the 20th December to finish what should have been done at the same time.

                  be warned people always read the small print this was and annual platinum insurance, i hate to think what would happen if it had been a bronze or silver. The small print policy is worded in a way that tells you you dont need to worry about anything you will be looked after then tells you to read the booklet, a fare few pages, for all the information and basically they dont cover anything you would reasonable expect.

                  I have set up a website if you want to read the details

                  thought i would update you all



                    Got to be worth a Watchdog mention surely?


                      I have also contacted watch dog and am registering a complaint with the FSA, to be honest im past the anger stage now and just want people to be careful.

                      The worst thing is was the way they treat you, they have no compreshension of how serious and ectopic pregnacy can be and the fact you are pretty much alone and you take the insurance out thinking these people are there to help you. Is it really worth taking travel insurance out, if you in the eu stick with your e111 that was what they hid behind



                        Sounds awful dude, i'd have thought the top cover would afford you everything and take all worries away, allowing you to concentrate on the important stuff at the time and just after.

