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What TV

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    What TV

    OK im looking for a new tv for my conservatory, having been completely lost by whats on offer i thought i would ask here. Someone has bound to have been down this road within the last year

    OK im looking for something that is at least 28" but no bigger than 36" must be flat screen with freeview built in. One thing i have noticed is the resolution some are 600 some 1200 some 4000 obviously the higher the better but at what point does it stop being that noticeable

    Suggestions appreciated


    If you're after a real bargain I can recommend:

    We bought one of these, and after tweaking the contrast/brightness a bit, it is very close quality wise to a LG TV of the same size that cost us £800. It doesn't have a built in tuner, so needs to be fed by satellite/Freeview box/DVD player etc, but most TVs which do have a built in tuner are probably used the same way anyway. Resolution is 1366 x768. Top High Definition TVs have a resolution of 1920 x 1080, however you will pay significantly more for one of those.

    Aquazuro - designer stainless steel accessories


      I bought an LG Plasma last weekend and it is a bit of a minefield trying to decide. I'd suggest either LG or Samsung. If you want a real daddy TV then Pioneer, but they are very expensive. If it's to watch a lot of sport and action, then go Plasma, if not go LCD. Buy the best resolution and spec you can and future proof yourself.


        We purchased one of these

        Its a bit of a nightmare deciding as there are just too many options but you have to jump in somewhere

        Fantastic piece of kit, great for XBox gaming

        JoBananas Body Jewellery - Body piercing jewellery, belly bars and ear stretching plugs


          Thanks guys, hmmm watch a lot of sport, not me im affraid, mind i dont get to watch much TV but sometimes i just like to watch what i want to watch KWIM

          OK as for the 42" plasma, £1500 for the conservatory, i think not and to be honest for £1500 it wants to be good.

          ok i have seen a few samsungs, never been struck with LG but guess i should take a look then.

          thanks Again


            Best to go into a big store such as Comet and see them all working next to each other - we bought the LG on this basis as it was the brightest! (yeah I know that they won't all be set up properly, but you've got to start somewhere )

            Aquazuro - designer stainless steel accessories


              Originally posted by Mark H
              (yeah I know that they won't all be set up properly, but you've got to start somewhere )
              what you saying, these guys aint got a clue


                No - I'm quite sure that the highly trained and conscientious personnel in such stores take the utmost care to make sure that their products are presented at their best and in a fair comparison with the other similar items on display. I can't imagine what I was thinking of when that remark slipped out.

                Aquazuro - designer stainless steel accessories


                  Your probably right Mark, they would never deliberately put on bad display and of course they would make sure one model is not set up any better than the other just to ensure there is a fair comparison. Hey god forbid they would use under hand techniques to sell a particular model



                    Can't beat a sales guy in White Socks can you?

                    JoBananas Body Jewellery - Body piercing jewellery, belly bars and ear stretching plugs


                      Well you could but you'd probably get arrested

                      Aquazuro - designer stainless steel accessories


                        OK then been and had a look, i did see a nice LG, but there was a toshiba aswell, both very similar specs so i was really undecided.

                        i could not believe the guy wanted to charge me £100 for the bloody wall mount, needless to say i have ordered one of the internet, for £30 that does excatly the same, funny it looks the same too.

                        Anyway TV i am tempted for the toshiba, last two tv's were and they have been really good, LG i have never had and dont know many that have had. But it was nice though

                        oooh decisions decisions



                          Looking myself and struck by the 37" samsung LCD

                          Informed the larger the contrast ratio the better the picture, but in real terms as some list the contrast ration the same type of hype way camera's quote the zoom as digital zoom which is meaningless
                          Chris Ashdown


                            i got sony 40" lcd w series in my sitting room fantastic tv
                            offer at moment at sony store

                            new 40w3000 with free blu ray dvd player or ps3
                            Remembering the road to Actinic enlightenment is a long and sometimes painful one.
                            Current project:
                            Something for the Missus,Something for the Weekend


                              Originally posted by chris ashdown
                              Looking myself and struck by the 37" samsung LCD

                              Informed the larger the contrast ratio the better the picture, but in real terms as some list the contrast ration the same type of hype way camera's quote the zoom as digital zoom which is meaningless

                              Chris i think your right about that, i basically came to the conclusion that if you get above 1200:1 on lcd it does not make a huge difference.

                              OK i now have the 32" toshiba, nice piece of kit, i turned it on and it set itself up, time aswell, left it for 5 mins and it was done. result just need the wall bracket.seems to have everything for the future, mind what do i know lol but it looks good and picture is great, what more do i want


