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Managed to kill the Trojan SIXA or did we?

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    Managed to kill the Trojan SIXA or did we?

    Just to give some information in case anyone else ever gets the same problem or even knows anything more about this than I now unwittingly do:

    Had a "trojan"? on the PC. It was changing fonts all over the place in Outlook and FF - popups changing size, menus to big to view. The most annoying thing was that it left a dial-up connection called SIXA in Outlook which kept popping up trying to connect and we couldn't get rid of it through normal means.

    Anyway, Norton and other Spy Tools hadn't found the problem and couldn't find much info on the web, but happened across one small forum where someone had the same problem - this SIXA bug tries to dial a premium rate website? - and followed his advice which astonishingly worked! Here goes:

    Copy the fonts tahoma.ttf and tahomabd.ttf from somewhere else and replace the ones on your system. - Hey presto the whole thing has disappeared and everything is working again. No more dial-ups, no more SIXA, fonts back to normal!!

    Weird how this thing was hidden and embedded in a static font file - or was it? Apparently this BUG can reinstall itself again. Maybe it's hiding somewhere else and just needs the font file to work?

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