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who is taking the piss then

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    who is taking the piss then

    as a response to microsoft's bid for yahoo, google said the following:

    their statement is so amusing when you consider that they rule on advertising at the moment. they have a monopoly pretty much especially for small companies like ours...

    hmmm...the words "pot", "kettle" and "black" spring to mind.

    Obviously making Google nervous, which can only be a good thing for the rest of us!


      Let the games begin:

      Brad Smith, Microsoft's general counsel, said "Microsoft is committed to openness, innovation, and the protection of privacy of on the internet"

      David Drummond, Google's senior vice president for corporate development and chief legal officer said "This is about more than simply a financial transaction, one company taking over another. It's about preserving the underlying principles of the internet: openness and innovation"

      Are they reading from the same "Book of internet marketing spin" ?
      Fergus Weir - teclan ltd
      Ecommerce Digital Marketing

      SellerDeck Responsive Web Design

      SellerDeck Hosting
      SellerDeck Digital Marketing


        Poor old Google and it's 16,000 workforce, i cannot imagine many people being unhappy about this merger, if nothing else it will refund some of the WWW ownership that Google seems to have robbed us of.


          I dont think it will make a scrap of difference to Google - its MSN and Yahoos own fault for the mess they are in as they used Google as thier search provider for years and gave G the power to be where it is now. They will not be able to claw back now.


            Maybe they should buy and really go for it then LMAO, you can preview the result now, wowsers. The only search engine i know that has 99% advertising space and 1% organic.


              They should bin it and go for something new. What do MSN and Yahoo stand for? Pages which we think you want to see. What does Google stand for? The Internet. May not be true but that's how people see it.
              Blank DVD
              Cloth Nappies


                Some decent forums (fora) have been ruined by side owners getting greedy and poluting them with Google ads.

                And, in my opinion there are a few sites which are not so good as in the past as they've followed the one product per page craze and items are not orderable in the multi list pages.

                If Google was owned by Microsoft it wouldn't have got so popular just `because`, although they've been my SE of choice for ages now.
                Football Heaven

                For all kinds of football souvenirs and memorabilia.


                  I would love the idea of a newcomer providing searches that omit any site thats yet another search facility.

                  I get so fed up with google giving me listings and when I click on those, all it is is another harvester

                  let get back to search engines giving us what we want, pointers to real things not pointers to pointers


                    i have to agree, sick to death of results showing search engines and advertising sites, mind you that go's for ebay results aswell, it list products in it database that are not even on ebay let alone been sold?

                    well as much as i hates me to say it i hope something comes of this its about time google got a shot across its bowels so to speak



                      There is plenty of room still for major improvements for searches on a local Uk scale yet alone the whole web

                      I would love to do a search on just shops or companies or clubs etc lets face it most of the google answers these days seem to be comparison sites or trade directories

                      My other favorite rant is sex sites, if the two major card companies Mastercard and Visa demanded that sex sites could only use their cards if they had domains ending in .sex and any spamming reported to the two companies would result in removal of merchant accounts then wouldn't the www be a nicer place. same removal of merchant account for other naughty sites who spam like viagra sites etc
                      Chris Ashdown


                        Originally posted by chris ashdown
                        My other favorite rant is sex sites, if the two major card companies Mastercard and Visa demanded that sex sites could only use their cards if they had domains ending in .sex and any spamming reported to the two companies would result in removal of merchant accounts then wouldn't the www be a nicer place. same removal of merchant account for other naughty sites who spam like viagra sites etc

                        What do you search for Chris? I never seem to find adult sites by accident, I think the filtering is pretty good.

                        Get a few hard dick pill and penile extension emails of course but thats nothing thats not sorted in a couple of minutes with the detete button (delete said emails that is).
                        Football Heaven

                        For all kinds of football souvenirs and memorabilia.


                          Originally posted by george
                          Get a few hard dick pill and penile extension emails of course but thats nothing thats sorted in a couple of minutes with the detete button (delete said emails that is).

                          you shattered my illusions for a minute there
                          I was about to ask for a link for this magic "delete button"

