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    Are there any Actinic Developers / Designer who accept Bartercard?

    I run a menswear e-commerce site and I'm looking for someone to improve the look and feel of the site (currently works fine but "functional"). But looking to pay for it via Bartercard.

    Matthew Wildeman
    2XL to 8XL Menswear

    I'd never heard of that before, sounds like a good idea in principle, be good to see how widespread it might become.


      I just googled it and the second result (ukbusinessforums) makes interesting reading.


        oooh looks interesting, maybe i'll book mark that and give it a read up



          Having read 5 minutes worth, it doesn't seem so great.

          Does anyone accept VASA or MOOSTERCARD as erindoors has just found two of these credit cards in her new handbag and purse.



            For those who want to know what Bartercard is here is a quick explaination.

            Bartercard is a business to business trading barter, and works on the oldest form of trade - barter. An example is a hairdresser. She needs here accounts doing so she could go to an accountant and say "if you do my books I'll give you 20 free haircuts". But at that rate it will take 2-3 years to pay off the accountant. So what happens is the accountant get say T£600 trade pounds credit and the hairdresser is debt T£600. The accountant then can go buy t£600 worth of other goods from other Bartercard members eg. get his car repaired. Thats the basics. There small % fees (Barter pounds and real pounds) for purchasing and selling. The hardest thing to get your head round is what they call the Cost of Trade Pound. Basically is I sell a pair of trousers for £50 on Bartercard I factor in that infact it doesn't cost me £50 to buy the trouser but only £25 (+- other factors eg VAT). So in fact when I'm buying on Barter I have to remember that it only really costing me 50% of the price.

            It's a very interesting system and works well for me. I won;t work for every business and can't replace real cash flow but very good for spare capacity. The key is being able to spend your T£'s. Personally I've had no problems I've has £10,000 of printing done, big advertising campaigns and my wife get her nails done every month on Barter!

            If anyone is interested in learning more let me know I get you an introduction from Bartercard. I'm also happy to discuss it in more detail. Give me a ring or drop me an email



            Matthew Wildeman
            01202 710008
            Matthew Wildeman
            2XL to 8XL Menswear


              Interesting, sounds like a private currency. I presume Bartercard are the only ones who really benefit by creaming off a percentage. Bad 'trade debts' and VAT may be a problem.

              I couldn't find any mention on the site of the precentage that Bartercard presumably take, which gives me the impression that they don't want you to realise what it costs.

              It might help with cash flow initially but it will surely dig into your profits later. I don't think it's something I would venture into personally.


                bartering is good generally
                swap products for services or vice versa

                but as Duncan said no mention or %
                Remembering the road to Actinic enlightenment is a long and sometimes painful one.
                Current project:
                Something for the Missus,Something for the Weekend


                  All I know about Bartercard is about two years ago they bought up the only free parking area in all of Richmond, which was right outside my house......gits!
                  KDM Digital Media - Actinic web design and hosting



                    People are asking about the % Barter charge to trade. Well it might vary dependent on the volume of trade you do but the basic % are:-

                    On purchases and sales = 1% T£ and 5.5% £ (real money)

                    So on a £1000 transaction it would cost you £55 real pounds & T£10 (Barter Pounds)

                    Hope that helps.

                    Anyone interested in my original post?

                    Matthew Wildeman
                    2XL to 8XL Menswear

