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Website Hosting (non actinic) for site with lots of mp3's

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    Website Hosting (non actinic) for site with lots of mp3's

    I have a friend who is looking to have hosted a website which will contain lots of large mp3 files (the files can be as large 150mb) which people will be able to either listen to online or download and listen to (these are radio shows that he and friends have created talking about Wrestling!)

    Does anyone have any recommendations for hosting such a site, would obviously need large amount of disk space and very generous bandwith with no file type restrictions and of course cheap!!


    Kathy Newman

    talk to - follow the telephone number at the top of the screen, you'll probably need to talk to Martin Pitt about the issues.

    Bandwidth shouldn't be a problem, they don't restrict files, as long as it not of an adult nature.

    just make sure he understands the nature of the requirement.


      I don't have any restricitions and the 5GB disk space, 66.5GB bandwidth package should do the job.

      Take the price and divide it by 15 to get the price in pounds. My servers are located in the US.

      Hosting Packages

      Level 3 Package:
      * 5 GB Storage
      * 66.5 GB Bandwidth
      * Unlimited POP3 Email Addresses
      * Unlimited Sub-domains
      * Unlimited mySQL Databases
      * Unlimited Mailing Lists
      * Unlimited Mail Aliases
      * Webmail Client
      * ftp Access
      * Server Side Includes
      * CGI Bin
      * PHP5
      * PHP My Admin
      * cPanel
      * File Manager
      * Custom Error Pages
      * MIME Type Editor Pages
      * Secure Folders (.htaccess)
      * awStats
      * Free Script Installations
      "Opportunities multiply as they are seized." - Sun Tzu

