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File Converter

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    File Converter

    Does anyone know of a file converter that could help us convert .dcp files into jpegs or pdfs.

    I've googled .dcp files but have come up with a blank and I'm wondering whether is a unique file type that the program writer's come up with.

    I've tried to attach the document to this message but it won't work. Probably because of the strange format.

    Come on, give us a clue. What program's creating these files and does it not give you the option to save in other formats?


    First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



      That's a pretty vague file extension, i suspect they will need opening up in the software that created them and then take a look to see what other formats they can be saved as. If you cannot open them yourself, how do you know what they are or illustrate?

      That format could be anything, ranging from some sort of architect software to a pattern for a sewing machine.


        It looks like 3 or 4 possibilities - take a look on here - - see if that helps narrow it down.


          The program's called 3D Decoupage builder and in part of it you can save your work as these .dcp files or .pdf but in the area of the program I've been working the only option is .dcp

          I've just had a flash of inspiration and have right clicked the file choosing 'Open With' > Choose Program > and then Macromedia Projector is suggested (there's an ICO next to it the same as the ICO for 3D Decoupage Builder)

          I think I'll need to check out Macromedia Projector so see what that's all about.

          Lee - I'll take a look at that website too, thanks for the link.


            without wishing to sound stupid, screen captures not an option for you is it???

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              Sadly no - the images need to be saved at 300dpi for printing later


                Within the program can you perhaps priint the design - and select to print to pdf.


                  Snapshot the scree using Alt-PrtScrn and then edit the images to the correct shape,

                  just because images are saved at 300dpi, does not mean you could not optimise them using a free programme like IRFANVIEW

                  with this programme, you can create a bunch of files into a directory and then with a few clicks, convert the whole lot into a new size, new DPI, virtually anything you want. I've run the programme and converted thousands literally within minutes.

                  if you use a slightly more obscure package, I'm afraid that you have to work around that package.


                    Problem with that Kev might be that you're grabbing at perhaps 72 dpi or a little better; increasing to 300 dpi will not give the same quality for printing as the original at 300dpi. You can't increase resolution only decrease it.

                    I think the decoupage program has its own format because it saves the decoupage project information as well as just the required images.


                      Any image can be screen captured at full quality if it is displayed at 100% (ie full size) in the original package. The problem with a "high resolution" image is simply that it is likely to be bigger than the screen when displayed at 100%.

                      The 300dpi refers only to the printer quality, not the screen quality. So a 900x500 pixel image would be 12.5 x 6.94 inches when displayed on a 72dpi screen and could be captured on most screens. Printed at 300dpi it would be 3 x 1.66 inches. An image which was siginficantly larger than this (in terms of pixels) would be difficult to screen capture on most screens.

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                        then on that basis, pop over to and download their free PDF printout and install it.

                        Pay a few $$ and this will remove the 10 second delay (and the showing of the adverts) whenever you print to the PDF file - the few $$ is worth it for this alone.

                        this will then work JUST like a real printer, except it then asks for a file name whenever you print.

                        when you "print", change the options to print out at 1440dpi (or whatever scale you want.)

                        this will allow a high quality image to print out from your programme.
                        from then on, its just a matter of taking that image (and within modern PDF programmes there's an option to copy just the images) and manipulating them as required.

