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Anyone know of 1and1 problems last night?

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    Anyone know of 1and1 problems last night?

    Strange one this. Last night visits to my website seemed to drop dead, no orders, and no emails.

    Everything seems to be OK with the website now and I can send and receive emails. My SE positions seem fine and visitor numbers for this morning look OK. I just have a suspicion that something must have happened during the night.

    The clincher for me is emails. I'll normally get about 800 spam emails overnight but this morning there we're only 24. I'll usually get that every 20 minutes. I've checked my settings and there's no online spam filtering going on.

    I can understand the loss in traffic based on some other stuff I'm doing but the disapearance of spam emails makes me wonder if something else is going on.

    Did 1and1 suddenly discover spf or did the servers go down? Ideas welcome.


    First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling


    I've assorted test sites on 1&1 and they were misbehaving (timeouts, etc) yesterday.
    Norman -
    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


      Thanks Norman,

      It looks like this could be a combination of things all happening at once. The major warning sign for me was the missing spam emails but it turns out this is down to most of it coming from a different domain and email address that I host somewhere else. It looks as if that hosts email servers went down last night and haven't come back yet.

      So it's probably a combination of things:

      - Some website testing mucking up my se rankings
      - An email server dying on another host
      - Maybe some 1and1 hickups.


      First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling


