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Cant buy Actinic -

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    Cant buy Actinic -

    Im sure there was a thread around here about not being able to purchase actinic through the web site but i can find it

    Anyway, tried add actinic V9 business plus to my basket today and apparently the combination is not available

    also the ermm cover cost seems a bit wrong to this is the wording on the site

    Add Actinic Cover for Business Plus for just £450 for the first year when bought with Actinic Business Multi-Site. (RRP £425)

    i think i will buy it seperately and save myself £25

    seriously though, actinic your not doing yourself any favours here


    The ordering problem with Actinic Business Plus (which also affected Actinic Business and Catalog & Business upgrades) has been fixed.

    The Cover pricing (but not the reference to 'Multi-Site') was actually correct, but the wording was not. The price in future years is less because there are loyalty discounts for subsequent renewals.

    Apologies for the inconvenience - all user error on my part. Sadly the person maintaining the store (ie me) is not quite as clever as the one who first constructed it...
    Bruce Townsend
    Ecommerce Product Manager
    Sellerdeck Ecommerce Solutions


      'all user error on my part'

      classic pbkac pwnage.

      Keep up the good work Bruce.


        Originally posted by brucet View Post
        Apologies for the inconvenience - all user error on my part. Sadly the person maintaining the store (ie me) is not quite as clever as the one who first constructed it...
        Made me chuckle bruce, im sure that is not quite true


