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1&1 Exchange Server Hosting

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    1&1 Exchange Server Hosting

    Has anyone any experience of setting up a 1&1 Exchange Server package (or other host companies, I'm sure the principles are the same)? I want to use one existing POP3 email address (the domain for which, and several other email addresses which have to stay as POP3s are hosted by another company). I'm told that we have to change the DNS for the existing email address/domain, but that's as much as I can find out, and also I'm not sure we can use just one out of several existing POP3s in this way - wouldn't changing the DNS affect all of them?

    Aquazuro - designer stainless steel accessories

    As far as im aware you can split the same domains names email address, or have i miss understood you.

    you want host here


    2, 3 & 4 hosted over here

    you can do various things to route emails, and i might be possible to re route certain email address using various priorities under the mx settings, but i think you would be asking for trouble messing with mx records


      We currently have 1,2,3, hosted by NTT Verio, all are POP3 addresses which are picked up by Outlook in the usual way. I want to use as the email address on a new 1&1 Exchange package.

      I could transfer to the new package, but no-one seems to agree as to whether we could continue to use 2,3, email addresses as POP3s on that package, also tranferring the domain seems a bit radical just to deal with this problem.

      Alternatively, 1&1 have suggested that we could "change the DNS on so that it points to the new Exchange package" but haven't said exactly how to do this, also I am concerned that this would affect 2,3, addresses as well as

      Aquazuro - designer stainless steel accessories


        Changing dns records will effect all the records, dns records are for, some people can do some clever stuff with dns records with there own dns server, but this is a specialist area.

        If you are going to use an exchange package then why not have all the emails accounts on there, i dont know the full ins and outs but i thought this was what it was designed for, email plus loads of other back office features.

        ok to me then i think what they are saying is use the exchange for the mail which means achange to your mx records, in which case you can point them to this server instead of your current host, but all emails need to be handled here, you cant choose.

        If 1&1 are offering it then they should know exactly what needs to be done.


          Thanks Darren

          "If 1&1 are offering it then they should know exactly what needs to be done."

          Seems to depend a bit on who you're talking to at 1&1 at the moment (and whether you can understand them.......)

          Aquazuro - designer stainless steel accessories


            For future reference, it seems I could have taken a better approach with this. I opened an Exchange account with 1&1 and tried to link it to an existing hosting contract (not with 1&1 as it happens). I did this because it wasn't clear that there was any other option if I wanted Exchange email (with 1&1, who like others don't explain Exchange well IMO), and also because there is a web site hosted on the existing hosting contract and I didn't think this could be hosted on an Exchange account.

            The correct approach is considerably simpler. Exchange accounts can be added to existing hosting contracts through the control panel. I will be transferring the existing domain to 1&1 on a fairly basic package (it's not an Actinic shop), will reconstitute the website on that package, together with all the POP3 email addresses we currently use. Two Exchange accounts will be added to the package, and will be used to run the two main email addresses which are currently POP3s. These Exchange accounts will then be sychronised so that both email addressees see the same contacts and calendar, constantly in sync through Outlook or web access, or iPhones (in this case).

            Aquazuro - designer stainless steel accessories


              Glad its sorted and you know what you need to do.

              Sometimes keeping everything all neatly tied together is the easiest way

