Apparently 5am was 'bedtime' last night so I guess there will be some rough heads today!
We were sensible though (eh, Rich/Sean?) we were done by 11.30!
I had a fantastic day and evening though. Can't wait for the next 'excuse'!
Who's going to be first to dish the news on what features Actinic announced...?
After having that NDPPS sprung on us, I'm not sure we should be discussing that here! I'm surprised at you Alan, even mentioning it! You'll be wanting to reveal the timetable next! But I guess we can talk about all the features they didn't talk about?
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I hope you liked that, also I can report over 12 brave souls made it to Paintballing this morning.
The roadmap includes a number of items we are working on as well as the features we are working towards for future releases.
We are currently in the process of finalising the features for v10, which we plan to announce on the community.
I would like to thank everyone for attending the conference. One of the commitments we are making is to schedule a user / partner conference in 2009 with significantly more capacity, further details will follow.
Sorry this won't be a huge reply, it's now the turn of the developers to get together, so still in Winchester on iPhone! (hotel wifi is a bit sukky)
It's fantastic those that came found it usefull. Obviously this was the first time we have done this on this scale, a lot to think about for the user conference.
Daz has joined an elite club, live demos on test systems (with test accounts) on hotel wifi is always fun! Those of you that came to discuss payments with him after would have seen it in action!
Oh and yes I was at paintballing, Actinic Director is only one of my roles, I also get to drive the minibus!
If you came to the conference and I didn't get a chance to speak to you, my apologies, but you may have been hiding after an hour of me whittering
Right better get back to the developers conf, cheers all!