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    for those interested in Amazon style product groups/suggestion, here is an example, I cobbled together:

    Notice the box below the comments area, that has some icons, from left to right:
    - My History
    - What are people looking at right now?
    - Most Popular
    - Related Items

    This box will automatically move from one list to the next, until you deliberately pick one, then it'll stay on the one selected.

    The data is derived from tagged viewers, passively browsing the site. I'm still working on the algorithm that controls related items, but so far, its pretty good.

    The passive tracking has been running for 2 days. and comes to a paltry 50k. the data collected is tiny small and contains no private data, not even an ip address.

    My hope is that the browsers product history, can be used to build a profile of product groups that they are likely to be interested in, and build sections of a page, or even entire pages out of this data.

    *crosses fingers*

    Special note: this demo does not work in IE6, or 7 ot the moment, so please dont try.

