What does it achieve looking at my site? It Achieves nothing and as for learning surely the fact you are now even slightly considering the ramifications on your own business or your clients business is enough and if any of you now take security seriously and not simply assume the responsibility of your business lies with a third party then that is more than enough of a wake up call.
The simple fact here is all anybody needed to do was call or email your PSP support and ask if they are responsible in the event that your site is compromised via some form of hack and a customer’s are captured using a some form of script injection and the customer being presented with a phony payment phishing page and then their details are used fraudulently who is responsible you would all have the answers so many here are so confident they already have and therefore I have no idea why they are so upset.
The simple fact here is all anybody needed to do was call or email your PSP support and ask if they are responsible in the event that your site is compromised via some form of hack and a customer’s are captured using a some form of script injection and the customer being presented with a phony payment phishing page and then their details are used fraudulently who is responsible you would all have the answers so many here are so confident they already have and therefore I have no idea why they are so upset.