This is Google's new widget based social tool.
It allows you to add some pretty neat widgets to any site, Actinic or otherwise. One of these cool widgets is a ratings widget.
I have implemented it to replace the simple comments tool I wrote on It took me less than 15 mins, to put everything in place, very well put together.
They have chat, messageboard and other neat toys, as well as any plugin from the opensocial network.
The site widgets let your customers use their yahoo, google, aol or openid, amongst other logins and passwords, to log into your site, and participate.
So, lets see some implimentations, and if anyone can make any cool widgets!
oh, btw:
widget, widget, widget, widget, widget, widget, widget, widget.
This is Google's new widget based social tool.
It allows you to add some pretty neat widgets to any site, Actinic or otherwise. One of these cool widgets is a ratings widget.
I have implemented it to replace the simple comments tool I wrote on It took me less than 15 mins, to put everything in place, very well put together.
They have chat, messageboard and other neat toys, as well as any plugin from the opensocial network.
The site widgets let your customers use their yahoo, google, aol or openid, amongst other logins and passwords, to log into your site, and participate.
So, lets see some implimentations, and if anyone can make any cool widgets!
oh, btw:
widget, widget, widget, widget, widget, widget, widget, widget.