Dog eats ethernet cable between switch and master computer
Everyone moans they are logged out
Google for new 10-15 metre cable, third attempt find local supplier
simple go up town and get new cable
Fit new cable, two slave computers work with actinic two others state no sync and wont let them in
Check all cables all receive google ok so cant be ethernet links
Crew fed up with switching on and off computers
Fed up with "How many more times"
Reinstall actinic on one of the computers, no difference
give up and go to work on master computer
Change sites and requests log onto local sinc!!!!!
say yes to each site in turn and low and behold all online
3 hours lost due to puppy liking plastic cable
Pupply hides beneath desk for rest of day looking sorrowfull
Have a productive day folks
Dog eats ethernet cable between switch and master computer
Everyone moans they are logged out
Google for new 10-15 metre cable, third attempt find local supplier
simple go up town and get new cable
Fit new cable, two slave computers work with actinic two others state no sync and wont let them in
Check all cables all receive google ok so cant be ethernet links
Crew fed up with switching on and off computers
Fed up with "How many more times"
Reinstall actinic on one of the computers, no difference
give up and go to work on master computer
Change sites and requests log onto local sinc!!!!!
say yes to each site in turn and low and behold all online
3 hours lost due to puppy liking plastic cable
Pupply hides beneath desk for rest of day looking sorrowfull
Have a productive day folks