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New Era on Community

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    New Era on Community

    Historically, the Actinic community was a really friendly and helpful place. In the last couple of years, that's been less so. In fact, there have been a steady stream of people telling me that they find it too aggressive, and they don't participate for that reason.

    What we would like to declare now is a new era in friendly community participation. It's always been the case that the forum states that no rudeness is allowed - we will now be enforcing this rigorously. The idea isn't to suppress opinions, critcisms of Actinic, or disagreements. It's just to ensure that this is done in a courteous way.

    The best way for each of us to achieve this is to try to avoid strong emotional overtones in the words that we use.

    Let me give an example. Someone is very strong in pursuing a course of action. They can be described as consistent, firm, strong-willed, obstinate or pig-headed. These all describe the same behaviour but with different degrees of approval or disapproval. Let's avoid the last two - they tend to result in flame wars. So I would prefer:

    "You've been very consitent in that opinion but I think the facts now show that you were wrong"


    "You pig-headed idiot, do you never learn?"

    I hope that you get the drift.

    Anyway, with immediate effect, please report any post that contains any insulting language. The moderators will delete such posts without further ado.
    Benjamin Dyer
    CEO - SellerDeck Ecommerce Software for SME's

    SellerDeck is the new name for Actinic Desktop

    Have you tried searching the Knowledge Base?