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The weekend is here... What are you up to?

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    The weekend is here... What are you up to?

    I have a rugby game tonight against a bunch of beer drinking students who will probably much fitter than us around the park... great.

    Visiting a new client tomorrow, then of to my Mum and Dad's for a home cooked curry and copious amounts of wine.

    Then it's the in-laws of Mothers day. Christ I hope we're not having Sunday dinner because I'll be too full of nann bread from the previous night.

    Please, please, please keep your post relevant

    Army Gore-tex
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    Originally posted by webD View Post
    copious, nann
    I'll be proceeding with your 5th and 6th spelling lessons Rich, we will start with the correct spelling of Indian food for the 5th lesson and the spelling of words with more than 6 letters for the 6th lesson. Apologies if i've offended you, please don't be, you are one pratt that does make me laugh.

    xx - hippy love


      At last- a safe topic and one I feel qualified to answer

      My wife's birthday party tomorrow afternoon- probably spending my time managing lots of little kids on a trampoline while she gossips to the mothers. Then with luck buying a s/h bike for my youngest and taking both kids out on Sunday for a test ride. BBQ Sunday evening depending on weather.

      Interspersed with this I'll be reading the forum posts with interest, eating too much as usual and growing slightly older disgracefully.


        Originally posted by leehack View Post
        I'll be proceeding with your 5th and 6th spelling lessons Rich, we will start with the correct spelling of Indian food for the 5th lesson and the spelling of words with more than 6 letters for the 6th lesson. Apologies if i've offended you, please don't be, you are one pratt that does make me laugh.

        xx - hippy love
        You b*****d, I said keep it relevant.

        Army Gore-tex
        Winter Climbing Mitts
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          Er, I think copious is right isn't it........

          Aquazuro - designer stainless steel accessories


            He changed it in time.


              Originally posted by leehack View Post
              one pratt that does make me laugh.
              Sorry lee i am reporting you for this comment - There is more than one that does


                Although I have no real desire to reveal my intentions in this wonderful community no matter how politely you asked WebD in the new spirit of compiling with edict BD001 I have put together the following brief resume. I sincerely hope you find it instructive and useful.

                Rest of today and possibly sometime on Saturday.
                Watching Dan Kennedy videos taking copious notes.
                Planning a set of actions to implement what I learn.

                Saturday morning. Visit local GC to obtain plants for Mothers Day.
                Saturday afternoon. Watching a 'feast' of International Rugby Union courtesy of the BBC.
                Saturday evening. Reading Felix Denis " How to get Rich"

                Sunday morning. Go to local supermarket for food shopping. Visit my mother for mothers day.
                Sunday afternoon. Fix a loose gutter and remove a defunct aerial.
                Sunday evening. Watch TimeTeam. Catch up on all the weekends e-mail and download all the weekends orders before returning to Mr Denis's book.

                Obviously with a wife and two children in the same house these plans may change at any time but this is OK because I pride myself on at least having plans

                Now to provide a counter to Bens edict BD001

                Myofb.ynb WebD (only first letters of words used in case the OP or even worse some third party is offended by what is missing)


                  Originally posted by leehack View Post
                  He changed it in time.
                  It was right all along Hackett... Outside now...

                  Army Gore-tex
                  Winter Climbing Mitts
                  webD's Blog: Website design, SEO and other ramblings…
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                    Originally posted by bamboo View Post

                    Myofb.ynb WebD (only first letters of words used in case the OP or even worse some third party is offended by what is missing)
                    ok then whos the 1st to setup and actinic forum of acronyms


                      We could have like the top gear code of chat. When they drove someones car that was faeces, instead of saying so directly, they used a code topic such as condiments to explain what they were really thinking to their fellow presenters.

                      So we could say that RTFM is 'salt and pepper' in code.

                      So when someone asks:

                      how do i create a variable?

                      we could say:

                      that problem is a bit like salt and pepper, not good if you don't use them.

