Thats a great idea Chris, I am already thinking along similar lines for v10.
Needless to say we are learning all the time with our user testing.
please please please do more user based testing for v10. We have all suffered too much in the past with WAD with not enough emphasis on what users really want/need
I already get the impression that the bells and whistles that some people want will only be available in the Enterprise version. With the changes to the database this no doubt makes things possible that are not with the current set up.
The email makes it very clear thats where support will be prioritised as well.
Why not make Enterprise v10? Surely concentrating resources on one system is better for Actinic as a company too.
unfortunately my first reaction is disappointment, thats not to say what is to be included has not been easy to do.
The last conversation i had with ben about enterprise was it was still not capable of working with BOM's and quantities to decimal places (required when you work in sq/m) however this is a specialised request which i understand but im confused as to were actinic is going with this, are we saying that eventually you will have to have enterprise if you want all the additional features that are common place?
Although customer accounts might not be important it has become a basic part of ecommerce, personally i hate having to create an account just to buy something, although i like the ones that use my invoice info then do it for me, a simple email telling me how i can check order details by loggin in is a great idea so when i place another order it means i dont have to do it again.
All i can say is the jury is now out and the defence has not put up a very good closing statement
"Whether Google checkout is added or not is immaterial now to some extent, but having been the most requested feature ever, they simply have to add it. The interest in it has passed somewhat, the horse hasn't only bolted, it has emigrated, died and been turned into pet food on the continent."
I think it's less important mainly because GC hasn't turned out to be the "killer app" that we thought it might. I think we (those that were concerned...) were right at the time to fear that not having it would be a disaster, but so far this has not proved to be the case.
Although customer accounts might not be important it has become a basic part of ecommerce, personally i hate having to create an account just to buy something, although i like the ones that use my invoice info then do it for me, a simple email telling me how i can check order details by loggin in is a great idea so when i place another order it means i dont have to do it again.
I am happy to have an acct with websites i regularly order from ie amazon as Darren says having address etc stored is useful, and they are big enough not to compromise my data (i hope) , but i still refuse to buy from a web that makes me register to buy espec if its a site i may only ever use once.
Thus it could be appropriate to only inc cust accts in enterprise.
I'd like to hear where Actinic are going with Enterprise as my understanding is the base price runs into the thousands thus it isn't an appropriate solution for current catalog/business users, but if actinc are considering a move from access to sql it could be interesting
Whether Google checkout is added or not is immaterial now to some extent,
GC is a real bummer for Actinic as it has cost a lot to implement and whilst it would be a deal breaker not to have it, its addition now is not going to get an brownie points and should not be considered the main new feature of v10.
if we have product reveiws or customer accts, there would be alot of happy people
Will single product pages be automated (when creating a product)?
This IS a rather basic requirement nowadays after all.
You can automate it using full page extended info and this thread. Post #7
Originally posted by Benjamin Dyer
V10 includes:
Real Time Stock
New checkout
Google Checkout
User Access Control - Enterprise
Order Picker - Enterprise
Order Filter - Enterprise
Numerous bug fixes and improvements
Colour me disappointed.
I wish Actinic would pull out its finger and get an online/offline synced database going rather than rolling out ham-fisted botches. I'd rather not see v10 than have whats on offer.
If its still as it was then price on asking, but i believe it starts at around £2.5k
i had been thinking about my support costs since i started. I estimate i have spent over £2k and actually had v6, v7, v8 & v9 upgrades with it, so averaging £500 per version, interesting it will be another support fee before i see v10 aswell. Question is am i wasting my money on support if we are no longer working on 12 to 18month releases but now 2 years
Is the release date of previous verions available anywhere, as I know I had previously looked through old forum posts and the dates for the more recent releases seemed to be approximately:
V7 Mid '04
V8 July '06
V9 Mar '08
which would give dates between releases of 20-24months, but this is only approximate.
If its still as it was then price on asking, but i believe it starts at around £2.5k
i had been thinking about my support costs since i started. I estimate i have spent over £2k and actually had v6, v7, v8 & v9 upgrades with it, so averaging £500 per version, interesting it will be another support fee before i see v10 aswell. Question is am i wasting my money on support if we are no longer working on 12 to 18month releases but now 2 years
i've dropped my support contract - 2 reasons
i've got designer/order manager whilst designer is covered by support order manager has no upgrade path so only 1/2 my requirement is covered.
I still haven't plunged into v9, and v10 looks underwhelming.
I still haven't plunged into v9, and v10 looks underwhelming.
This is exactly what i am thinking about at the moment, do i cough up another few hundred quid to get the v10 upgrade when it finally comes out, which actually means six hundred for an upgrade or do i serious consider another alternative and cut my losses now? Espcially as i am a gold partner with another cart at the moment
testing times ahead, time out to go and consider my options
This is exactly what i am thinking about at the moment, do i cough up another few hundred quid to get the v10 upgrade when it finally comes out, which actually means six hundred for an upgrade or do i serious consider another alternative and cut my losses now? Espcially as i am a gold partner with another cart at the moment
testing times ahead, time out to go and consider my options
Like some other longer time users I am disappointed by the V10 release content. Real time stock is an important feature for a number of small businesses but doesn't make a whole lot of difference to our operations. Unfortunately there is apparently nothing in this release that will improve our business so we will have to consider other options, like spending upgrade/support funds on third party add-ons to plug the functionality gaps.