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Sharing Calendars

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    Sharing Calendars

    Life's becoming a bit too hairy for my liking.

    I've got my office and my wife goes to her work.

    The kids go to school. The kids finish school.

    And then all hell is let loose.

    The kids have got to the stage in life where they're going to clubs or training or at friends after school; they need picking up and ferrying; feeding; etc etc. Wifey and I have busy schedules and often struggle to get all the child care and ferrying around organised.

    I'm looking for some kind of online family calendar system. Something that brings it all together. I use MS Outlook (without Exchange) but I can make any adjustments I like 'cause it's all my equipment. Wifey is restricted to web access only (corporate rules about external access to Lotus Notes prevent anthing else).

    I've looked at "family calendar" software - Famundo, Cozi, 30 Boxes, Family Time Planner - and they just don't feel right. Perhaps there is too much of an American slant on the interface (no offence to our American cousins).

    Any suggestions at what I can look at? (without having to sign up for multiple Google Calendars! Or any Google calendars - they know too much about me already!!) I don't mind subscription services but would prefer to run software on my own servers.

    Any thoughts?

    Elysium:Online - Official Accredited SellerDeck Partner
    SellerDeck Design, Build, Hosting & Promotion
    Based in rural Northants

    Have you looked at the O2 Joggler:


      Looks interesting Duncan..... unfortunately, the O2 site is riddled with 404 errors so I'll have to pop into an O2 shop
      Elysium:Online - Official Accredited SellerDeck Partner
      SellerDeck Design, Build, Hosting & Promotion
      Based in rural Northants


        Maybe not exactly what you are looking for, but Yahoo mail has a calendar function with text/email reminder capability.

        It has saved me a few times when I forgot about a Dr. appt. or when I was supposed to pick up my daughter from basketball practice.
        Kirk Pruitt
        Zims Autotechnik
        Bedford, Texas


          "If my answers frighten you then you should cease asking scary questions"


            try family fridge was on the online dragons den
            Remembering the road to Actinic enlightenment is a long and sometimes painful one.
            Current project:
            Something for the Missus,Something for the Weekend


              We use a combo of Google Cal, Remember the Milk ( and are both equipped with iPhones.
              Benjamin Dyer
              CEO - SellerDeck Ecommerce Software for SME's

              SellerDeck is the new name for Actinic Desktop

              Have you tried searching the Knowledge Base?


                I use MobileMe


                  I spent many months looking for something similar - even thought there are only 2 of us life can get pretty hairy at times!

                  Eventually settled on Google Calendars - se I have about 5 calendars that I use for various stuff plus Toodledo. On iPhone I use Informant which syncs with both.
                  Kathy Newman

