Every now and then I get a stubborn one - I'm pulling my hair our to find out which bit of content the browser complains isn't secure - usually it's with some third party code although I made an error with paths to jquery files earlier and couldn't work out what I'd done wrong.
Anyway, stop me if you know this one already, but Google Chrome's developer tools is fantastic!
There's an errors/warnings link in the bottom-right hand corner that specifically states each of the security warnings so you know which bits are causing the trouble.
I found it very helpful in debugging my own ham-fistedness.
Anyway, stop me if you know this one already, but Google Chrome's developer tools is fantastic!
There's an errors/warnings link in the bottom-right hand corner that specifically states each of the security warnings so you know which bits are causing the trouble.
I found it very helpful in debugging my own ham-fistedness.
