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How to Keep competitors OUT!

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    How to Keep competitors OUT!

    Hi All,

    I have a competitor that is using one (or more) of my client's login information to access our store and peruse our pricing/coupons, etc. I have the ability to locate "abandoned" cart file in Plesk; however, I cannot open these files to see any of the account information. Is there ANY way of determining whose account he might be using when logging into my online store? It would be GREAT to know who is leaving "abandoned" carts behind!!! (hint, hint)

    Google analytics sends me an email when he logs in by using his login location. (We have no clients in his small city). PLEASE HELP! I would really like to SHUT THIS GUY OUT! He logs in once a month and typically on the 10-11, which is coming up fast!

    Mark T

    Change the passwords of all your clients accounts and wait for them to contact you


      Hi Darren,

      Thanks for your input - is there no other way? We have over 2,500 active/semi-active clientele. This would be A LOT of work and, if the information was as easily attained in the first place (as it appears to be) - can it be that difficult to get to again (I wonder)?

      I would rather isolate those one or two accounts that this competitor is using and nix them than upset the whole "apple cart".

      Thanks Again!
      Mark T


        This thread (Post #4) shows how to set up a .log file that can be viewed online in a browser or downloaded into a spreadsheet.

        It records date, time, IP address, account ID, Buyer ID and Buyer Name; you can then search for this name in 'Customer Accounts'.

        The file constantly grows until deleted in ftp; latest entries append at the bottom. Presumably the script can be modified to show other data.

        In your case it looks like you have the IP address so it shouldn't be too difficult to spot?

        Paul - the UK's largest online supplier of Fresh Flower Merchandising Stands

        Using V10.2 with Norman's brilliantly simple TABBER.



          Thanks Mr. Computer Wizard - I've much to learn and this forum, with help from kind and knowledgeable people such as yourself, has been a real asset.

          All the Best!
          Mark T
          True Tape, LLC.


            Perhaps I should add, then - change the name of the .log file (in the edit) to something known only to the user. Otherwise anyone reading this thread can go to your site and type in the url!

            Courtesy of Bruce King in the aforementioned thread here are the instructions once again:

            Open 'Windows Explorer' and browse to 'c:\program files\actinic v(X)\sites\<site name>' or 'Documents and Settings\User**\My Documents\actinic v(X)\sites\<site name>' depending on the version you are on.

            - locate '' and make a backup copy
            - open the file in a text editor such as notepad and locate:

            CAccLogin - User login
            - you should see:

            # CAccLogin - User login
            # No arguments
            - directly before this copy and paste the following code:

            # AccountLogFile
            # Designed to take customer a/c details into a log file
            sub AccountLogFile
                my ($pBuyer) = shift;
                my $sFilename = GetPath() . "customer_account.log";
                my $bDoHeader = !-e $sFilename;
                # The log file is a comma separated file which contain the following 
                # items:
                #     0 - date/time
                #     1 - browser name or IP address
                #     3 - customer ID
                #    4 - buyer ID
                #    5 - buyer name
                open (LOGFILE, ">>" . $sFilename);
                # If the file doesn't exist then create its header
                if ($bDoHeader)    
                    print LOGFILE "Version: $::EC_MAJOR_VERSION\nDate, Remote host, Customer ID, Buyer ID, Buyer Name\n";
                print LOGFILE ACTINIC::GetActinicDate();
                print LOGFILE ", ";
                print LOGFILE (length $::ENV{REMOTE_HOST} > 0 ? $::ENV{REMOTE_HOST} : $::ENV{REMOTE_ADDR});
                print LOGFILE ", ";
                print LOGFILE $$pBuyer{AccountID};
                print LOGFILE ", ";
                print LOGFILE $$pBuyer{ID};
                print LOGFILE ", ";
                print LOGFILE $$pBuyer{Name};
                print LOGFILE "\n";
                close LOGFILE;    
            - then search for:

            and you should see:

                        ($Status, $sMessage) = CaccSetCheckoutFields($pBuyer, $pAccount);
                        if($Status != $::SUCCESS)
                            ACTINIC::ReportError($sMessage, ACTINIC::GetPath());
            - copy and paste the following onto a new line after the above:

             ACTINIC::AccountLogFile($pBuyer); # Log file for the customer account.
            - close and save the file and upload your site
            - this will then create a file called 'customer_account.log' in the 'acatalog' folder on your server. Give the file (highlighted) a unique name.

            This part:

              print LOGFILE $$pBuyer{Name};
            can presumably be altered to show the Customer Name rather than the buyer (but that's beyond me at this juncture).

            Please note that this type of script edit is not supported and may be overwritten by subsequent upgrades.

   - the UK's largest online supplier of Fresh Flower Merchandising Stands

            Using V10.2 with Norman's brilliantly simple TABBER.

