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AI - Actinic Intelligence

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    AI - Actinic Intelligence

    Wrong but clever....

    I have a spreadsheet with the product details in there .. reference, description, price and image filename etc. As the images are stored in a subfolder I concatenate the folder name with the filename so the path imports correctly into Actinic.

    On one section I must have forgotten the "\" so the field was "imagesimage.jpg" and not "images\image.jpg". Despite my clumsy typo the images are showing both in Actinic and on the website! I have only found the issue after a few months as clicked onto the product to change the price and the warning popped up about the filename.

    Cleverness beyond the imagination .. I am calling Derek Acorah right now.

    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes

    Hello Jont

    I have tried this in both v9 and v10 as per your scenario, but Actinic does not import the product because of the incorrect file name. Do you get any error message when importing the spreadsheet with the typo in?
    If not, could you mail me the file with just a few lines of entry, including the one with the missing "\" and also tell me the version this is happening in. I'll re-create the sub-folder locally.
    My email : krcsupport [at] actinic dot co dot uk.

    Krithika Chandrasekar


    E-commerce software by SellerDeck


      Oh hey - this was months back and had a fair few bacon butties since then. The version would have been v9.0.3. Usually if image filenames are missing it will not import them and it lists as such in the error file and I can track back manually with the spreadsheet and rectify the issues.

      The spreadsheet is a basic flat file with

      section name
      product name
      product description
      sell price
      image name

      which is ground through the actinic flat file convertor and imported

      SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes

