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Horde spam filters

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    Horde spam filters

    Hi There

    Although I have filters searching for FREE VIAGRA etc i still get over 800 email EVERY day which come through to my mail box.

    That is with the filters taking out between 3-400!!!

    In the spam settings on the control panel the SPAM filter is marked with an orange ! so I beleive it is not working correctly.

    I need to get this issue ressolved as I have spoken to our ISP provider, our MAil server provider is set to which is ACTINIC for webmail.
    @ MX 10
    HOW do I get this resolved.

    As it seems that actinic are just blaming HORDE but HORDE have nothing to do with the mail server at ACTINIC!! Nor have the ISP provider got any control over the mail server!

    Your help is appreciated as HORDE offer no solutions!

    I am confused as to what you are asking about. Initially to be honest I thought your post was spam until I saw that you have an Actinic site.

    You can obfuscate your email address in Actinic (search the forum for ways to do this) or else (or as well) why not simply change your contact email address within Actinic and delete the old email address from your mail server.


      I assume you have Actinic hosting and that's why you are using their mailserver? If so you need to speak to Actinic directly I think
      The Pretty Dress Company


        actinic host and mail server

        I use actinic mail server and they host the site.
        The reply from Actinic was to try the horde filters and refine them but still this has had limited effect.

        The problem seems to stem from the mail server at actinic simply not filtering the mail at all.


          Then I would certainly change the email address used, obfuscate it on the site and delete the email address receiving all the spam.


            costs involved

            Hi Duncan

            I forgot to mention that this problem has been ongoing for about 2 weeks not. On a tuesday afternoon it seemd that a switch was thrown that triggered the spam. For years before that I have used the mail server with only MINIMAL amount of spam getting through!!

            While your idea is an option I will explore it is not cost effective as I would have to have vans re signed and all promotional material re printed.

            What I am annoyed about is that the solutions are up to me to change my way of business when I am paying Actinic to host the site and to use their mail servers yet that sit back and absolve any responsibility.

            if you were faced with disruption of your mail due to hundreds and hundreds of spam mail coming through would you not then seek to ask the server company to resolutely take steps to help and resolve the problem?

            While I can change the mail address appearance on the site I am not going to change vehicles and promotional material when there MUST be another solution.

            My original question remains outstanding that.

            In horde the SPAM filter is high lighted with and orange ! which to me indicates a problem. A problem which is out of my reach to resolve and one which I have found NO solution to so far!

            Does the highlight mean that the spam filter is corrupt or not working at all??


              Which email client do you to download email? Thunderbird has an excellent built-in spam filter.
              Do you have an anti-spam setting on your anti-virus software? If not, turn get one that does. e.g Kaspersky.
              Almost everyone worldwide is experiencing LESS spam rather than more over the last couple of weeks, thanks to the shutdown of a spam network in Russia.
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                TBH your host should filter out the vast majority of viagra type spam, probably by using something like spam assassin at server level. You then should only need a 2nd level filter of your own to filter out lower grade spam.

                Of course if you have you email address in plain text on your site you will always attract attack - the best way to keep your mail clean is to use a contact form with captcha on your site.

