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Larger than normal orders

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    Larger than normal orders

    just had a guy on the blower asking about a discount on 8 mattresses to far away for me to deliver personally so they will need to go by carrier.[LIST]
    We are cheap to start with so not really any room for discount
    We are probably the only people with enough stock to complete this order
    I am wary of big orders like this as it could be a fiddle.
    How do others approach this kind of issue.
    Obviously I want the order, if it`s Kosher but Greed is the friend of Conmen but if you never take a risk you get nowhere and some people sell £1800 beds all the time on the web.
    Cheers Steve

    You could insist on payment by bank transfer to remove the risk of a chargeback due to a stolen credit card, also having the benefit of saving you a bit on card processing fees.

    You can also use google/faceboook/, etc to attempt to confirm if he is genuine and lives where he says he does.
    Darren Guppy
    Golf Tee Warehouse
    Golf Tees and Golf Accessories.


      Agree with Darren, your instinct smells a rat, don't ignore your instinct!


        I'd say if it was a fiddle he wouldn't be chasing you for a discount.

        But use your instinct. If you feel uncomfortable then make sure you confirm his details (192 is good) and possibly arrange alternative payment details as the others suggest.


        First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



          Course I have third man, how long do you people find that normally takes.


            The 3rd man fraud score usually takes less than 1 hour (30-45minutes would be typically)
            Darren Guppy
            Golf Tee Warehouse
            Golf Tees and Golf Accessories.

