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Hotmail spamming my emails

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    Hotmail spamming my emails

    I always send my customers an email with a Tracking code for the carrier. The problem is if I send them via Actinic hotmail seems to spam them. Anyone know why this happens.
    Happy New Year

    How do you mean 'Hotmail seems to spam them'?
    Do they get spam from Hotmail or do Hotmail account holders see your emails as spam?


      The emails go into the recipients spam folder. One thing I am not sure of is if the first email, the order acknowledgement does. I was wondering if the hotmail spam system was seeing the first as OK and then the second so soon after as Spam or if my email address is on some hotmail blacklist.
      We do not email shot people ever.
      This only seems to happen with Hotmail not Gmail or Yahoo etc.
      It is really annoying as the tracking code really helps customer satisfaction, we do tell customers to watch out for it when we book deliveries in, but people tend not to listen


        It's important to know if all your emails are seen as spam by Hotmail or just some based on eth subject and content.

        You could try changing the content of the email to see if it helps.


          Thanks, i`ll set up a hotmail account and experiment.

