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Version 12

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    Version 12

    I know we're still coming to terms with v11, but I haven't seen any announcements about Actinic v12.

    Ben Dyer said

    I will be making some announcements regarding v12 very soon as I want to get community input again.
    on 20th June last year but I've searched and couldn't find anything.

    Are there any plans? Any idea about what's in and what's out?
    Elysium:Online - Official Accredited SellerDeck Partner
    SellerDeck Design, Build, Hosting & Promotion
    Based in rural Northants

    Hey Andy,

    Yep, there are plans.

    In-fact we are busy working away on a number of elements of the v12 plan, however we are not ready to announce anything just yet I am afraid.

    Watch this space.
    Benjamin Dyer
    CEO - SellerDeck Ecommerce Software for SME's

    SellerDeck is the new name for Actinic Desktop

    Have you tried searching the Knowledge Base?


      but on 20th June last year (i.e. 8 months ago) you were going to make some announcements regarding v12 very soon as you wanted to get community input.

      Did I miss all of that?
      Elysium:Online - Official Accredited SellerDeck Partner
      SellerDeck Design, Build, Hosting & Promotion
      Based in rural Northants


        First step is to define how log "very soon" actually is... what are we comparing with? After all to a geologist soon can be 1 million years Just joking BTW.
        Steve Griggs.

        "People in business often miss opportunities, mainly because they usually arrive dressed in overalls and looking like work."


          I've been watching this space Ben and another month goes by.....

          It seems to me - and to my Actinic Desktop customers - that all Actinic seem to care about at the moment is the online version...
          Elysium:Online - Official Accredited SellerDeck Partner
          SellerDeck Design, Build, Hosting & Promotion
          Based in rural Northants


            Oh sorry Goz,

            I thought I had replied to this.

            The online product is obviously getting press time as its a new product into a new market, this doesn't change anything in regards to our commitment to the Desktop product. I think it's worth remembering v11 is only about 5 months old.

            We have been very active with v12, including taking input from the community via the wish list as well as speaking to a number of customers, designers and merchants. V12 has been in development since the new year but as previously mentioned we are not ready to detail it's contents just yet. I'm sorry if my previous statement implied something different but we operate in a pretty fast paced environment.

            Benjamin Dyer
            CEO - SellerDeck Ecommerce Software for SME's

            SellerDeck is the new name for Actinic Desktop

            Have you tried searching the Knowledge Base?

