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Installing Perl Modules on a VPS

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    Installing Perl Modules on a VPS

    We are in the process of changing over from our regular hosting packages to putting them all on a 1and1 VPS. The first two sites have moved accross after loads of trouble (many thanks to those that helped in the other thread) but uploads are very slow compared to our old hosts.
    I presume this is to do with Archive::Zip not being installed on our VPS and I am not confident in installing it myself as there is lots of conflicting infomation around the interweb.

    Have any other forum members installed perl modules on their servers and if so could you point me in the direction of a good guide or book to read.
    Unusual Silver Jewellery
    Giftmill - Unusual Gifts
    Crystal Healing Jewellery
    Steampunk Jewellery

    After almost a week of trying every possible know combination of commands I have managed to install Archive::Zip

    You need to SSL into the server using a program called Putty
    Enter your IP address as the Host Name
    Auto-Login username is 'root'
    Save these settings by clicking Save on the Session tab

    Next click on Open and enter your password at the prompt (this is your main FTP password)

    Now type yum --enablerepo=extras install perl-Geo-IP

    Let it do its stuff then type yum install perl-Archive-Zip

    If you then go to Help - Troubleshooting and click on Website Analysis in Actinic you should see that Install::Zip is installed.
    Unusual Silver Jewellery
    Giftmill - Unusual Gifts
    Crystal Healing Jewellery
    Steampunk Jewellery

