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ClearCourse Aquires Sellerdeck

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    Well sadly Sellerdeck have just announced they are removing the PayPal cards part of PayPal commerce on the next release, you guessed it clearaccept will be the only card option!

    So my super simple all under one banner payment method with an excellent rate for that reason is now about to be split, no more simple invoicing and a higher rate to pay.

    Here is the published current page on the SD website promoting PayPal Commerce! Which has been brilliant, such a shame to lose it.

    Paypal Commerce | Ecommerce Payment Integration | Sellerdeck

    Click image for larger version  Name:	Untitled.jpg Views:	0 Size:	92.8 KB ID:	556588

    Ed Harrison - Menmuir Scotland


      I would go with it, I did like the video,

      Apparently there is an option to be invoiced for the fees, but you have to satisfy Clearcourse "risk team"

      Of what I don't know.

      Edit - Clearcourse just explained to me they produce a statement monthly so those who are VAT registered can account for it and claim it, I can work with that.


        Originally posted by mje View Post
        Apparently there is an option to be invoiced for the fees, but you have to satisfy Clearcourse "risk team"
        Set 2 up ok and working fine.

        1 website still not setup despite numerous chasing, emailing support, sales, Josh Barling and Clear Accept. Every response says they are on it. And then it just goes dead. Application started in April and I'm now at the point of just giving up.



          I wish they'd just leave a perfect working payment solution they promoted alone, instead of removing it, this a terribly short sighted approach, a step backwards.

          If sellerdeckpay is well designed and cost effective there is no need to force it on customers, they'll cheerfully go with it.

          Yes we can keep PayPal commerce temporarily if we do not upgrade to the next version but then they'll eventually remove support for the existing v18.

          The announcement states the removal of 'legacy' payment options, PayPal commerce is far from a legacy option, it is a very current and excellent option.

          Virtually every ecommerce platform is compatible with PayPal commerce. It was a step forward when sellerdeck implemented it.

          So we will have no alternative but clearaccept if we wish to accept card payments, hopefully the pricing will remain competitive without competition....

          Ed Harrison - Menmuir Scotland


            When we had to recently upgrade from v18.06 to v18.22, we had to deal with
            Paypal Express > Paypal Commerce
            because Paypal Express was "legacy"... I can't believe what I'm seeing now.


              Originally posted by EdHarrison View Post
              Well sadly Sellerdeck have just announced they are removing the PayPal cards part of PayPal commerce on the next release, you guessed it clearaccept will be the only card option!
              If it is just the PayPal cards part of PayPal commerce will you not still be able to accept payment for other VISA / Mastercard card types using PayPal commerce?



                Hi Martin,
                As far as I am aware the only way to accept card payments will be via sellerdeckpay...

                I have asked for a timescale as to the release that no longer supports other card options than sellerdeckpay .
                I have also asked about the possibility of issues with account customers who have non sellerdeckpay card payments as their default.

                Ed Harrison - Menmuir Scotland

