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Has anyone gone woocommerce?

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    Has anyone gone woocommerce?

    I'm seriously thinking of jumping to woocommerce, maybe via sellerdeck themselves doing the migration.
    I like the idea of not relying on software installed on a PC and just logging in.
    Plus the recent announcement that sellerdeck are removing all card options other than clearaccept from desktop.
    So if anyone has made the change or considering doing so I'd love to hear.

    Thanks Ed

    Ed Harrison - Menmuir Scotland

    Not yet but thinking we will be soon the way Sellerdeck are acting. They seem to have lost the plot!
    Jeff Nurse
    Managing Director

    Aerofoil Design
    Office Design & Furniture Solutions


      Originally posted by jeffnurse View Post
      Not yet but thinking we will be soon the way Sellerdeck are acting. They seem to have lost the plot!
      40 ish years ago I remember my bank manager (we used have them back then !) saying to me, "my only advice to you is give your customers a choice, stock what they want, not what you think they want"

      Since Sellerdeck became part of ClearCourse, being a loyal customer 20 years or more, feels like it counts for very little, the changes implemented and pending since that happened are very much "you will do it our way, or no way"

      It's disappointing in every way.


        I take it you all received the email today announcing a 40% increase in cover prices for non clearaccept seems they really want clearaccept to be the only card option.

        Ed Harrison - Menmuir Scotland


          I hadn't tried Clear Accept yet as I read some of the issues reported on the Forum, and as Paypal has worked fine for us, I was giving in time. I had no reason not to try it, medium term. However, the way that we are being dictated to disgusts me - I don't like it. What has happened to Sellerdeck? It's just a crazy way to do business.
          Jeff Nurse
          Managing Director

          Aerofoil Design
          Office Design & Furniture Solutions


            I am moving on from one of my businesses to reduce my workload. I have strongly advised the new owners to ditch Sellerdeck and move to a Shop (ify) setup. I remember years ago I would recommend Sellerdeck. What annoys me is you have to have a subscription to use widgets that are an expectation in any other cart software.



              less "price increase" more "ultimatum"
              My renewal is due too soon for me to do anything other than accept the increase but it will be my last. Well done Sellerdeck.
              flyingbooks secondhand, rare and collectable aviation books and publications

              If you always do what you always did, you'll always get what you always got


                The increase of course is irritating especially given the obvious motive to push clearaccept.
                I can accept the increase but I'd love to see more choice not less for payment options.
                Just look at the list that others offer.
                It was going the right way when they introduced Amazon pay and PayPal commerce.

                Sadly instead of succeeding in getting more to sign up this will probably drive plenty away from the platform entirely.

                Like I've said before if clearaccept was great it'd sell itself.

                Dare I say I still think better the devil you I am going to see about staying with sellerdeck but going to woocommerce.

                Ed Harrison - Menmuir Scotland


                  I did ask about removing choice to the SD sales rep... and was told it was to reduce support time, easier to support "in-house"...
                  It is strange where other platforms have an ever increasing of addons etc...

                  If Sellerdeck Payments = SellerdeckPay = great... but it isn't.
                  Why did they not make it the same so the transition is seamless, ie only difference is the backend merchant
                  SellerdeckPay is supposed to be = "in-house"

                  1-click-complete was the best thing that happened... that was many many years ago...
                  - most recently under certain circumstances, the 1 click payment for "Sellerdeck Payments" now requires a few more clicks with the new "SellerdeckPay"
                  (but their recent solution for pay-by-link recently further extends the interaction and clicks by the customers... seems mad)

                  I remember templates were removed (they weren't amazing, but there was a huge choice...) leaving a few when responsive design appeared.
                  Now they are removing payment options.

                  Woo has been on my radar since someone mentioned on the forum a few months back about moving away from SD


                    I am looking at woo very seriously via sellerdeck at present, I believe it has everything I need going forward.

                    Ed Harrison - Menmuir Scotland


                      Sellerdeck has been acquired by ClearCourse, so they now have to dance to ClearCourse's tune. A key part of ClearCourse's strategy in acquiring a series of small software companies is to monetise those companies' user bases by recruiting them to their ClearAccept payment platform. Therefore ClearCourse is unlikely to allow any of their software products to incorporate competitors' card payment platforms, no matter how much we moan about it.

                      I've been using ClearAccept for 7 months now, having previously used SD Payments by Creditcall/NMI and SD Payments by Opayo, ClearAccept is considerably cheaper (for my size of business anyway), and I get far fewer false declines and abandoned carts than before. There is a high degree of customer acceptance because the integration is similar to PayPal Commerce, and the pricing structure is similar too, although slightly more expensive partly because they add VAT, whereas PayPal doesn't, goodness knows why.

                      How many folk singers does it take to change a light bulb? One to change the bulb, and another three to sing about how good the old one was.

                      John Ennals


                        Thanks John, reassuring to read it has been working well for you.


                        Ed Harrison - Menmuir Scotland


                          Sellerdeck has been acquired by ClearCourse, so they now have to dance to ClearCourse's tune. A key part of ClearCourse's strategy in acquiring a series of small software companies is to monetise those companies' user bases by recruiting them to their ClearAccept payment platform. Therefore ClearCourse is unlikely to allow any of their software products to incorporate competitors' card payment platforms, no matter how much we moan about it.
                          Very well explained and hits the nail on it's head.

                          What's next ? No third part hosting / certificates etc ?

                          I have no issue using ClearAccept going forward, although didn't complete the application as I found it confusing, but will cling to PayPal for as long as possible because although I've had numerous battles with PayPal paying me in 2022, my customers prefer it.

                          Ed - Sellerdeck still listing PayPal as supported and recommended here.



                            Originally posted by John Ennals View Post
                            ClearAccept is considerably cheaper
                            That is true... and I can't help thinking "when something is too good to be true..."

                            Anyways, we are at the stage of "get everyone on-board", so we have time to prepare for the Woo


                              I fully get that they want no competition for "their" in house card provider but to take a component of PayPal commerce away was a bit unexpected.

                              Ed Harrison - Menmuir Scotland

