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Looking for a template...

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    Looking for a template...

    This is my first post, so please be gentle with me if I've not put it in the correct forum.

    At the hight of the DotCom boom I acquired (I've also recently picked up - just in case!).

    It's now time the domain earned its keep.

    I plan to do something fairly upmarket with it, like - (warning for those looking at work -this is a lingerie site)

    I have limited technical skills (see below) and ideally I would like to buy (or, preferably, be given) a template that looks a bit like - (another WARNING - this is more 'downmarket' and includes 'toys' etc)

    Now I know the above site uses frames, and I understand that's not particularly 'clever' because it makes life difficult for Search Engines, it's just the general effect I'm after (the idea that all departments are tabbed all the time, and products are displayed in columns).

    My CV. I'm a former COBOL programmer, but I do black box Acceptance testing these days. I know a bit of UNIX and SQL. The only web developing I have done has been in FrontPage. My pitiful efforts are here -

    Any help, suggestions etc. gratefully received.

    You could do a lot worse than looking at the 'Designing with Actinic Developer' guide (see link in my signature) which, even if you are not using Developer, gives you a nice introduction to the principles of designing with Actinic.

    I'm afraid I cannot give any more specifics of how you might achieve the looks you mentioned, but the design guide may give you some inspiration.


      ... sounds like you need a designer if you want to develop a brand AND have a decent template... however if you want to just do an off the shelf job then the built-in templates are quite good. if a little "in yer face".

      i'm quite cheap!
      James Atkins

