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Yahoo versus Google

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    Yahoo versus Google

    Up to now I have been a dedicated Google user, but since trying out the new yahoo I find the results far more accurate than the google ones.

    In my case I look up words like "Overalls" and find hundreds of relevant sites in Yahoo but in Google after the top 10 the site relevance quickly runs out.

    I also advertise on Google "Adwords" and have now joined "Overture" and find the latter are pulling in the punters quite well.

    Question How do you increase your ranking on Yahoo's non paid rankings, is it simular to googles links etc or are they using a different set of conditions.
    Chris Ashdown

    From my experience if you optimise for Google then Yahoo generally falls into place (sometimes with higher ranking).
    Yahoo is more interested in keyword density/relevance on a page than Google is however but as with Google they also consider backlinks though with less importance.

    Unfortunately there are no hard and fast rules there are always exceptions. I know sites ranked #1 on Google UK but page 2/3 on Yahoo UK
    Regards Steve

    There must be a get rich quick scheme that works!


      In general, Yahoo! works more on traditional on page optimisation, whereas Google uses more link weight. So get your site ranking on Yahoo! then all you need to worry about for Google is the same stuff, but with more incoming links.
      Old Bald & Stupid, but more than compensated for by being born Welsh.
      Umbrella Consultancy <a href=""><font color="#000000">Search Engine Optimisation Reports</font></a>.

