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Mega Menu Bug

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    Mega Menu Bug

    Hi All

    Just thought let you know might of spotted a bug that has now been reported to Actinic. In the Actinic Mega Menu Sub Section List on line 5 it appears to be missing a closing </li> tag.

    Some browsers will forgive for this mistake while others wont.

    Actually just waiting for confirmation it's bug as might not be. As sub menus are nested within <LI> tags


      That's correct, the sub-menus are nested lists; so the first level <li> tag is not closed until after the closing second level </ul> tag.
      Bruce Townsend
      Ecommerce Product Manager
      Sellerdeck Ecommerce Solutions


        I called Actinic again to follow up and they're saying it is a bug.

        It you look at the source of a mega menu it does look like a bug.

        The dropheader is basically making a list item have defined header to act as the first item in an already nested list. However, the list item doesn't appear to close:

         <li><a id="main-link1" title="Shop By Brand" href="shoes-clothes-shopuk/clothing-shoes-brands.html" onmouseover="mmOpen(1);" onmouseout="mmCloseTime();">Shop By Brand</a>
          <div  style="width:875px;" onmouseover="mmCancelCloseTime()" onmouseout="mmCloseTime()" id="tc1"><div class="row"><ul> <li><a class="dropheading" href="shoes-clothes-shopuk/anatomic-shoes-boots.html" title="Anatomic Shoes">Anatomic Shoes</a><li><a class="droplink" href="shoes-clothes-shopuk/anatomic-mens-shoes.html" title="Mens">Mens</a></li> 	    </ul>
        Am I right or wrong?


          Oh well support are telling me it's a bug? Can we clarify?


            here's the questionable buggy bit:

            <li><a class="dropheading" href="shoes-clothes-shopuk/anatomic-shoes-boots.html" title="Anatomic Shoes">Anatomic Shoes</a><li>
            The dropheading list item should close? as what follows is another list item and not a unordered list definition of <UL> which would indicate a nested list within a list item


              AFAICS the list item closes just where I would expect it to close - after the final item in the drop-down, which is 'Wolky Boots and Sandals | Womens'

              So start of item is:

              <li><a id="main-link1" title="Shop By Brand" href="shoes-clothes-shopuk/clothing-shoes-brands.html" onmouseover="mmOpen(1);" onmouseout="mmCloseTime();">Shop By Brand</a><div style="width:875px;" onmouseover="mmCancelCloseTime()" onmouseout="mmCloseTime()" id="tc1"><div class="row"><ul><li> ....

              End of item is:

              Wolky Boots &#38; Sandals</a><li><a class="droplink" href="shoes-clothes-shopuk/Womens.html" title="Womens">Womens</a></li></ul></div></div></li>

              Could you send me your support ticket no., please, so I can hook up with support and we can double check at this end?
              Bruce Townsend
              Ecommerce Product Manager
              Sellerdeck Ecommerce Solutions


                They didn't give me a ticket I spoke to Kieran will be the last bug i reported though which was this morning if that helps


                  Just to clarify in your source code a droplink is a link item within a nested list. I'm not actually refering to the nested link issue.

                  More the fact there's a list item with class of dropheader with an unclosed list item.


                  <li><a class="dropheading" href="shoes-clothes-shopuk/anatomic-shoes-boots.html" title="Anatomic Shoes">Anatomic Shoes</a><li>


                    The closing </li> tag is actually optional under HTML 4.01, which is the standard Actinic supports. It is only mandatory under XHTML - which Actinic does not support.

                    See the final para. on page 28 in the HTML 4.01 spec,
                    Bruce Townsend
                    Ecommerce Product Manager
                    Sellerdeck Ecommerce Solutions


                      That's something I will be looking at for v12. I am hoping we can adopt the HTML5 standard for that, but it's still a bit of a moving target ATM.
                      Bruce Townsend
                      Ecommerce Product Manager
                      Sellerdeck Ecommerce Solutions


                        A bug was raised but I withdrew it for the reason given above.

                        The closing </li> tag remains optional under HTML 5, which is the standard we plan to support going forward.
                        Bruce Townsend
                        Ecommerce Product Manager
                        Sellerdeck Ecommerce Solutions

